
Showing posts from October, 2015

Video chatting over yahoo

    With it being less than a week until we get more in person time (yeah I forgot to mention here I think) you'd think having our usual fun over video would pale in comparison. Nope that's not even remotely the case if today is any example. *chuckles

Got some very awesome scene time in ^^

Yeah it finally happened again. You are all well aware this year has not the greatest for skype time with us for certain reasons. It happens obviously but it sucks when that happens quite a bit frequently at times. But with the upcoming in person visit coming up soon, that will be something to look forward too. Also hopefully more Skype time possibly in the cards.

when blog tags create play ideas (more text play fun)

Sorry about the unannounced absence but I've been too busy to blog as of lately. We're still working on having some Skype fun again soon but there's been some fun over text (as you can tell) in the mean time. This scene specifically was just so much fun over text, I'm pretty sure if this was done in person I would be quite out of it for a while. This was from two months ago so I didn't have the opportunity to post about it then. Hope you enjoy it. ^^