Just a little MC story I wrote

As the title states this is just a short MC Story I came up with and decided to post on here. Hope you all enjoy it. ^_^

"Make me."
     Recklessly daring words on my part also surprising words indicated by his smirk and raised eyebrow. The energy in the room feeling like the movie "A Christmas Story" when the kid said "I double dog dare you"! Probably even more mischievous than that but just as much anticipation electricity filling the air. 
Let me backtrack slightly, I'm quite a bratty submissive (which he indulges in quite a bit) but when he drops me into a trance being bratty can be a bit difficult (not that I mind it sometimes). That's what he just did this afternoon and those two words were my response. This isn't an atypical thing for me to be stubborn and him just to take me by surprise. 
     Coming back to the present, the gleam in his eyes shows he's loving the fact that I'm challenging him. Realizing that I know I'm definitely in trouble when he drops me eventually (because I'm going to make him work for it since I can be quite stubborn when I want to be). I return his look with a determined look of my own.... then instantly realized my mistake.
     His smirk turned into full on I've got you now grin. I shivered trying to break the stare only to become more focus on his eyes then before. I should've seen this coming a mile away. I frequently seem to fall in this trap of him getting me to look into his eyes and guiding me into trance sometimes without words on his part.
"That's right" he said. "Just look into my eyes like you always do, as you feel yourself slowly being to drift away ...." 
     As soon as heard that I snapped back to full awareness and broke his stare immediately. "Thought I was going to give up that easy, did you?" I say with a mischievous grin of my own. Partial grandstanding on my part as I mentally shook the cobwebs which had begun to form in my head for that brief moment.
  After a few moments of astounded silence on his part "You plan on making this interesting indeed" he said with a glint in his eyes and close to sounding like his hypnotist's voice.
That isn't even fair. He knows I practically go weak in the knees when he does that!
 I knew I probably wasn't going to last long in this little contest after that. 
"I plan on making you work for it you mean.."
"We'll find who will be working for it soon enough. I am slightly surprised you didn't fall for that trap like you usually do."
I responded by saying "I'm stubborn and bratty it's not that surprising" then I stuck my tongue out at him in a cute way.
     He starts rummaging in his pockets looking for something as if suddenly inspired by my moment of brattiness.Then when he came up empty handed he started looking in the nearby drawers. After a moment of that my thoughts begin to wander.
As he starts tossing thing around in another corner I thought of what fun he planned to do with me and smiled.
What could he be looking for.....
   I immediately noticed a glint on night stand from the corner of my eye and walked over to it. It was a gold plated pocket watch with tiny purple crystals framing the front part of it. I picked it up and sat on the bed watching him still rummage around for it for a minute still amused. I then cleared my throat and held it in front of me with a smug look on my face.
"Is this what are you looking for?"
He turned around and said "Hold it up a little higher so I can see it better." 
I held it so the watch was right at my eye level.
"Hmmm I still can't be certain, try twirling it slowly to see if it sparkles?"
I rolled my eyes at him and amused him by complying.
"Notice how the light reflects on the crystals just so? Drawing your attention and focus to it unable to look away or move your arm.." 
"Very good my pet."
At this point my ability to resist His words and the watch swinging in my face was practically eradicated.
"Now you tried to resist earlier and it was adorable that you thought you could fight me.... But now it's time to relax focusing on my words and the watch sparkling beautifully before you." As he said so he stroked my hair which I barely noticed as I was far gone by this point which he noticed. This pocket watch was another of his favorite methods of "trapping" me which is why the stones on it are my favorite color.
"Just keep picturing the watch twirling and glittering in the sunlight in your mind as just let your eyes close and every muscle relax".
As I dropped unaware of nearly anything I barely heard a chuckle then I ceased to be aware of anything...
 "I never get tired of this" he said in his lovely baritone while stroking my hair some more while I drifted deeper slumped on the bed.
"Now what will I do with you"....


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