Another awesome scene (following technology not being nice to me yesterday)

     With classes back in session for me pretty soon I'm glad to have any non college work laden time to myself. Even if I'm stuck at home which isn't always bad. Especially if you have a Dom who likes messing with your head quite a bit. (*chuckles)  I had to have his help because my memory was more immensely sketchy than usual. I was probably way more fractionated than I was typically. I had to ask him so many questions you think it was a newspaper interview. It was tremendously fun. ^^
     After finally getting to watch Todd in the Shadow's top ten for best songs of last year (following the immensely irritating fail that was doing so on my tablet) there managed to be some Skype availability on both sides. We had a non play group call the day before which was fun (despite my builtin camera deciding it wanted no part of the group call) but play Skyping I feel is different. Not just the contrast in activities but I guess the feel of the calls themselves are different based on my expectations. But that's only a guess.
     Getting back on the focus of this, after I got comfy he started messing with my arousal which I didn't expect although he's done it plenty of times I'm sure. I started to be a brat and stick my tongue out at him. Of course he responds by pulling the body slave trigger (which I never know what he'll actually do with) and having me take my shirt off then kneel for a moment. Then he ended the trigger and I was really aroused when I was getting up. I sat back down then (possibly) the bimbo trigger was pulled (after we had a short talk about part of the top ten list previously mentioned). I know he had me take off my undershirt during it and messed with my arousal again (putting it all the way to the edge). I remember him asking me one or two button pushing questions and me saying maybe like a brat even with my full on bimbo voice.
     Not long after that I'm sure he brought me back up then immediately pulled the slave trigger. He then asked me what is my purpose (or something like that) and I automatically said to please him but withholding the word Master. He of course notice this and asked me how do I address him as. I refused to answer knowing what he wanted me to say. Then a brief false alarm interruption happened and after checking if everything was fine he pulled the slave trigger again. He asked me again how I should address him and this time I said it. Then he told me to strip what I was still wearing and bend over the edge of the bed. Immense pleasure triggering happening throughout this as expected. Making any thoughts even more difficult to accomplish which is the point. He had me repeat the usual hot phrases and asking. He eventually after some teasing had me cum since I remember burying my face into the bed in case I got too loud. He brought me out of that trigger again.
      Then I believe he pulled the bimbo trigger again. Not long into it he had me spread my legs was about to have me masturbate while repeating a phrase (which I really want to since I was getting horny by that point) but the second interruption happened (just a short phone call on my end). After that was dealt with and a brief camera issue after that he pulled the robot trigger. He had me get up and kneel for a moment then stand back up again. While standing there he had me pan down the camera to my breasts for a moment then back to my face. Then he had me say some phrases including "I have no will.", "I have no mind." and "I am a programmed fucktoy.". He deactivated the robot trigger after that and dropped me into a trance using the trance trigger.
    During the trance he told me that when I woke up I was going to be on edge horny. Also that whenever he said the word bimbo followed by a phrase I would say that phrase. By saying that phrase I would get dumber and hornier until he said the word release (basically bimbo brain washing again ^^).  He had me start playing with my boobs not long after starting the bimbo brainwashing. Then had me masturbate as well (while kneeling on my bed) while teasing me about how I couldn't cum without his permission (which a thing kind of set in my head when we play). I just kept getting more and more horny as played with one of my boobs and masturbating at the same time. I know he had me say things during this but I just was focused on other things. He had me get on all fours while pleasure triggering me some more. Then when he asked he if I wanted to cum I said yes but he continued with the phrases instead (:p). After one or two more phrases he finally let me cum. Just as I was finishing he had me cum again and a third time after that. I was surprised when he did the second time. Probably he did it because he got me so horny I imagine.
     He had asked me not long after ending that awesome part if I wanted a little more (which I said yes to). He pulled the robot trigger and had me repeat some of the phrases from before. Also had me present my boobs to him (which he also did during the bimbo brainwashing). Then had me kneel for a brief moment (after letting him know after the brainwashing it was not comfortable for long on my feet) and had me sit with my legs spread. Then he used the cock simulation mode (which I have apparently mentioned more than once he hasn't done it in quite sometime *chuckles) It took a second but I started to feel like his cock was sliding in and out of my mouth. (I forgot how hot that was...) He eventually had me feel like he came in my mouth then cum one last time (I was still holding my breasts out the entire time since he han't told me to move them). Then he brought me back up again and after checking how I was gave many (virtual) snuggles and pets. We switched off of skype after a brief bit of talking about plushies and yarn during all the snuggles. With this I'll end the post. Enjoy reading.~ ^^


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