Skype time again :)

So I think our schedules hate us as far as the last month has been in an indication to amount we skyped. Hopefully that will change soon because I don't think either one of us wants to go another month without skyping again.
     Even though we im daily not getting to see his face over skype for a month sucks. Hence why we both were so glad we finally got an opportunity to skype this morning. ^^ Although tablets are not the greatest at picture quality at times when it comes to lighting, it was awesome to see his face and hear his voice. He said that it's been way too long since we've skyped which I completely agreed. Not long after that he started his evil chuckling which I took as a sign he had something up his sleeve. Although he said there was nothing specific in mind (:P) I knew there was teasing to be had. The first thing he did was drop me with the trance trigger and re enforced the triggers already present since they hadn't be used much in the past month.
    Then he brought me back up and I said I had forgot how much I enjoyed the post trance haze. After getting up to check something which cleared the haze a bit he then pulled the robot trigger. I said the trigger response without thinking while straightening up which I also tend to do automatically once he uses that trigger. He told me to stand, which I did and then told me to kneel. He seems to like me doing this in the  robot and the slave state in equal as much I've noticed. I was already feeling quite subby in general due to being stressed out due to college work so kneeling certainly made more of an emphasis on my subbiness. Not that I really noticed this while a robot since my only focus then is obeying him. 
    While kneeling he had me say phrases including I do not think, My body is his to use and I'm a programmable whore. After that he brought me back up again while I was still on my knees. I got back up on my bed after sticking my tongue out at him. He asked if I was enjoying myself not long after that  and  I just stuck my tongue out at him and poked him. He said that wasn't an answer to which I responded that that was as much of an answer as he was going to get. Of course he cheated and used the slave trigger knowing I'd answer him in that state. But I was being a slight brat and omitted calling him Master as I usually do in that state which he noticed. He asked me yes what? and I said yes Master then he brought me back up and basically told me he could make me answer (:p). 
     Not long after that he used the trance trigger on me again (after a brief stint with the bimbo trigger I think) and this time told me that he was going do bimbo brainwashing. However with this  it would be mixed with orgasm denial in that I would get hornier and bimbo like as we went along but I couldn't cum unless he allowed it. He also made it that once he brought me back up from the trance trigger I'd already be horny to begin with. After establishing that he brought me back up and I immediately felt horny. He asked me how I was feeling and I said sarcastically since I knew he knew I was turned on at the moment. 
     He then started had me start repeating phrases like my mouth belongs around your cock, I think with my cunt and I am Master's cockslut (I'm pretty sure more adjectives were in the second phrase). Of course in between the phrases he pleasure triggered me and teased me. I remember asking to cum at one point and basically he said not yet. I was playing with my boobs (since he had me remove my shirt and undershirt he had a view of that) not long before he told to but I'm not sure if he saw me. Then he told me to masturbate which just drove me crazy and I imagine me he knew it would. He told me to ask him to allow me to cum, the only thing I could say is just please repeatedly. He asked me if I was too stupid to beg which I said I was. Then he pleasure triggered me a few more times then told me to cum. 
     A moment later he brought me back up again and I was a bit spacy for a short period. Cuddles were had, which was awesome. Then it turned into talking on things like comic updates (since we're both reading Ultron Forever which is a short 3 comic series), apparently buying a ton figures at times gets you a part of another one, and my noticing the length of his hair (which amused him). We did that for a while enjoying each other's company with random mews happening on both our parts.:)  He eventually had to go and I had stuff to do too so we got off having had an awesome time. Hopefully we'll do that again sooner than later. Enjoy reading. Later ~ ^^


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