Moments of fun

     Haven't had the opportunity to blog in a couple of weeks because of a lack of time due to responsibilities and stuff (I know they suck lol). I've managed to have some fun but not as much as I'd like (*pouts). Better than no fun at all honestly (not that conversations alone aren't quite enjoyable ^_^). So with that I'm going to give an account of the fun I've had since near the end of vacation approximately.
    The one I have the most recollection of is the text scene which happened a few days before the first voice session. After a short discussions about interesting videos games involving ghosts, lawyers, solving crimes and finally starting homework came the start of some play. The first trigger pulled (after a few seconds of poking and teasing :p) was the mind slave one which is always a good one with me. Then it moved to the clockwork trigger which I'm overly happy cheerful windup doll who gets aroused every time I get wound up. I'm not completely sure what to do in this state exactly but enjoy it. It drives me completely crazy after a while being wound up, which Turquoise (I'm referring to Spiral Turquoise who's been mentioned in blog post and is awesome) is well aware of and teased me about it which only makes it more frustrating (:P). Even thinking about it at times makes me squirm slightly lol. He had used the wrong phase (since he seems to get this confused on the rare occasion) to wake me up from this state, which i told him (*giggles) but I knew what he meant.
    After a few minutes of that and I'm a bit horny he asks me what's the best way to make squirm even more. Of course being the adorable brat I am :) I give him a smartass answer of why would I tell him that. I'm certain he was prepared for my response since it wasn't a new one lol. "Shocking"(*chuckles) he dropped my with the first trigger he used earlier and said to answer my smartass question because I have no choice and asked if I agreed (which is actually kind of hot). He chose that trigger to use probably since I'm quite obediently submissive and do as I'm told (not that don't I manage to sneak in a little brattiness a few occasions) with that one. In response to his question I said possibly which wasn't a no lol. He then asked me the same question before he dropped me and I said nearly automatically just keep calling me a good girl (which is a very fun pleasure trigger for me). He did just that immediately afterwards and had me kneel for a little bit and woke me up again. Let me tell you, waking up even more horny and on your knees not knowing how I got there briefly was hot and confusing.   
    By this point I couldn't think straight and really really wanted to cum. The robot trigger (which drops me way down) was pulled which put this frustrating horniness in the background until he put me in human mode for a moment which brought all that frustration back (that state makes me feel like my consciousness is trapped in there it's awesomely weird). Then bringing back of human mode and putting me in programming mode I thoughtlessly repeated phrases after him for a short time. He then put in a new robotic mode (sexbot mode) which allows me to to feel aroused (on a scale of 0 - 5 which he controls) yet still robotic unless I'm in human mode. After placing it in my head he used, turned up my arousal and had me repeat phrases again like "I am a mindless fucktoy" then waking me up again.
     He then triggered me to be a bimbo for a little and brought me back teasing me about the fact that I still hadn't cum yet (not helpful! :p). Then he asked what was the best way for me to cum hard. I replied even if I was thinking straight I wouldn't tell him(once a brat always a brat because we're awesome). The response was dropping me in the robot state and used sexbot mode putting my arousal all the way up having me repeat phases in program mode which is difficult when I'm so aroused it's difficult to focus.Then after bringing me out of program mode he told me to cum finally! My head was spinning afterwards since I came so hard. Then paused for a minute before waking me up since I was fractionated and slightly disoriented from cumming that hard. We talked about things while I came back to full awareness since my head was in a haze from both just waking up from a trance and that orgasm.
    A couple of days later it was just voice since I couldn't really be sure if I had an opportunity to do video with assured privacy. Not that I just minded with just voice since with my headphones I could focus on his voice more and goes along the line of being brainwashed. Thinking about it now I can't really remember much of it except my favorite part which was being dropped with the blank time trigger (which isn't used as much sometimes since I'm always so out of it with that trigger talking is an effort) and mindlessly repeating phrases which causes me to become more hornier and go deeper. Talking wasn't a problem at all of course I was just blankly repeating phrases he told me. Although I'm pretty sure my voice probably went up a few octaves lol.             After repeating a few phrases he told me to cum which I did..... and it was awesome. Then I slowly came back out my usual haze and had the ability to move since most of the time I get so deeply in trance I can't move unless I'm told to. Voice is my weakness when it comes to trance, it took me more time to recover from a voice scene then a text one. There was another trance session today as well only by voice for the same reason as last time which I remember even less of currently lol. The blank time trigger was used again so I'd focus on his voice. Then I was unable to keep my hands off myself as bimbo didn't help that I was quite horny as usual. There was also with that was getting me to beg to cum while being a very horny bimbo. Which was one broken very short sentence since thinking was impossible at that point. I'm surprised he didn't use the mind slave state at all (*shrugs) not that I wasn't kept busy for a half hour :). I had to have water a few times which I usually don't do until afterwards since my throat was dry. That usually means I was quite deeply entranced
    With that I hope you've enjoyed reading my account of the past week. ^_^


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