First post of 2016 ^^

Happy New Years ^^ (8 days later...) Managed to have some Skype fun relatively earlier into the new year than I expected. Which is especially good, since he's not going to be around a few days next week....:(. Yeah that's going to feel like forever but I'll just try to catch up on Agent's of Shield and/or Elementary. We did slightly less than I thought we would but I think it might of been me since we haven't Skyped in a bit. It was awesomely fun either way. :)

     We didn't immediately start with the playing today since he wasn't around when I got on. So I basically used that time to catch up on Steven Universe (I swear it was all the feels those 5 episodes I caught up on.) Just as I was finishing up he showed up and we talked about it for a little bit and along with tumblr thing he surprisingly tagged me in (which he doesn't do often if at all). After that I started to be a brat just a little (*chuckles). He did that "^^ Yes?" that he does, which I don't get how it has the same effect on im....  I continued to brat a little bit more to which he said "Well you can either message me on Skype or you can ask me properly like a good girl."  I swear it's not fair how he can mange to switch from being playful to dominant so overtly. Also randomly slip in pleasure triggers (:p).  
      I of course went with the former option because as you guessed it, I was still being a brat. I went over to Skype and said it wasn't fair basically. His response continued to emphasize on my subbiness by saying I did what I was told (and pleasure triggered me ...again). To which I just glared then started the call after a weird false start by the system. It was nice to see his face again and hear his voice (he mentioned it had been a while before I could). I still was a brat for a bit then he pulled the body slave trigger. I had mentioned it the night before but no matter how many times he does it I never know what he's going to do with it. He had me stand, remove my shirt and then kneel further nudging my subbiness. He surprisingly after a moment of thought stopped it there for the moment and after a few seconds got back on the bed. I'm pretty sure I asked why he did stop there. 
    Not long after that he pulled the bimbo trigger (also mentioned yesterday). I did the usual hair twirling. He had me remove my undershirt and asked those types of rhetorical questions I would usually say yes to as a bimbo.Like I'm a toy for him to play with and uses as he pleases (and stuff like that). I instead kept saying maybe to some of them until he said the bimbo trigger again and that pretty much ended the brattiness. Then following asking some more similar questions he had me focus on him while still a bimbo and what he was saying for a moment. It felt different than when turq pulls the trance trigger but it wasn't being awake either. I was still twirling my hair though which doesn't require conscious thought since I've done it a lot since we've began doing this. He told me that even though I was already a bimbo that we could still do bimbo brainwashing. Then he had me stop focusing and start doing that. I remember giggling and saying like or totally with every sentence. Such as "Like I'm a human fucktoy." or "I like have no mind." and so on. By the end of that part I really wanted to suck his cock a lot.
     After phrases came turning my arousal all the way up to a5. He had me cum twice in a row (I didn't expect the second one) and then ended the bimbo trigger. I was spaced out more than I expected when he brought me back up. I took a moment and also got interrupted which helped me get coherent again. Once the interruption passed he dropped me. Following deepening me for a bit and having me just relax a bit he suggested that my arousal (after I woke up and until I came) was continuing to increase as time went on. He emphasized that and brought me back up. When I opened my eyes it hit me that I couldn't put a sentence together and was humping the bed at first. He said that I was so aroused I couldn't think or disobey among other things (I don't remember what exactly). He had me bend over the bed and had me play with my clit. I vaguely remember him talking along the same lines as before but I was a bit distracted by my arousal obviously. I forgot what he asked me but I said yes he immediately asked yes what? (I love when he does that) and I said yes Master. I believe he pleasure triggered me for that. Then not long after that he asked me if I wanted to cum. I said yes please and he had me look into the camera on my tablet then let me cum (I had a feeling he might say no when I said that). My eyes rolled into the back of my head momentarily during that. He ended the suggestion after I finished cumming. 
    My legs were slightly weak settling back on the bad after that. Plus I was quite spacy to the point I had slight trouble keeping my eyes open at first. But with talking and amusingness with Mr. Penguin (his adorable gift stuffie from daja) I eventually was coherent enough to hold a conversation. We talked about a lot of things like  how everything went and Hark: a vagrant historic comics. He sent me a few more to look at since it's online which were hilarious. Along with many snuggles ^^. He eventually ended the call so he could go do something which ends this blog entry. Hope you all enjoy reading this. ~


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