Another Skype Session (ya!)

     I'm still slightly fuzzy after getting my head crashed over Skype (finally) with no interruptions or rude awakening (victory!), and will give a full account as possible on the fun that ensued to get me to this point. And for the record if I haven't made it clear enough if I'm referring to me being tranced by someone it's usually Spiral Turquoise I'm talking about. ^_^

     As I said things have not been cooperative with Skype thanks to an abrupt awakening the last time (grrrr) and this time the video crashed when we first connected (*rolls my eyes). This lead to voice only being used for most of the duration (not that I minded, since voice is a major weak spot I've repeatedly mentioned). After getting settled he dropped with the blank time trigger (still one of my faves) and had me mindlessly repeat phrases such as "I must obey" and "I am a mindless puppet" a few times each which took me deeper the more I said it. This then lead to the weird hilarious part of the session which was another suggestion which we used one time before. 
     The (suggestion being installed for just this session was repeating phrases he tells me to (only once), (after saying the word obey) for orgasms while becoming progressively more of a bimbo the entire time. It was a combination of a few different things the suggestion didn't go exactly as planned at first. I had kept repeating the phrase instead of saying it only once (oops), this happened two separate times (after he stopped me and tried to reinforce the suggestion thinking that was the error) and then just woke me up and asked to see what was going on. I honestly don't think if he hadn't stopped me I would of noticed I was going off script to was the suggestion is suppose to do. I had realized hazily( and partially puzzled along with giggly) that it was the fact he hadn't specify I was suppose to only say the phrase once and orgasm and my subconscious basically went on autopilot and went back to the suggestion we just finished. Then after getting that straitened out, he dropped me back down and said the suggestion again this saying I had to repeated the phrase once in order to orgasm. 
     This then lead to the regularly scheduled program of fun of me repeating phrases (while at a4/a5)  he told me to and then orgasm leading me to become a bit more of a bimbo every time. The first thing to pop up after an orgasm was the hair twirling (of course), after the next one was the giggling then after the word like popped up. After the first orgasm I was still being a bit of a brat glaring and such. It progressively got harder to be bratty in anyway especially after orgasming a few times. Which lead me less capable to think much let alone produce witty amounts of sarcasm (especially so when your brain is getting closer to becoming the consistency of pink cotton candy. By the 5th or 6th time I came (i think) my head was spinning during and after I orgasmed (which meant I came hard :). After about the 6th time I came he used the phrase end scene which was used just for that suggestion specifically to signify it was over. 
     I had to recover for a few minutes after that suggestion since my brain had essentially crashed after all that orgasming. I couldn't really think let alone form a complete sentence I honestly if I could of I would have just nodded instead of talked for a little bit. I eventually came back completely and had some random conversation about my psychology textbook for a minute. Then he after checking I was ready to play some more he dropped me down with the robot trigger (Unit627 Activate) to which I nearly automatically replied with the required phrase of  "Unit627 activated and ready to obey". I swear even typing that out now gets me a little spacy since I drop hard and fast with that trigger for some reason. Then I put into sexbot mode and turned the arousal all the way up and had me repeat some mantras while I tried to not react (which is impossible) since I was still a robot (therefore I was pretty much emotionless) although I completely felt the arousal. After a short round of this he told me to cum which I did hard again. He then brought me back up and I didn't immediately connect to my surroundings for a split second which was weird for me.
     I then had to recover a little from that (I think) then we moved to the mind slave trigger and had me do things such as get on all fours all the while pleasure triggered me by saying good girl and adding some verys before that to make it more effective (:P). I'm honestly surprised I managed to hold myself up that entire time while on all fours. He then had me get into a kneeling position and take off my shirt. The entire time I said either "Yes Master" or "As you wish Master." (the second being a new phrase for me definitely, I should keep that one). Of course he kept pleasure triggering me and I pretty much squeaked a bit everytime he did it. He then let me cum yet again and we temporarily ended the session there after he did a cleanup trance to put everything back in order in my head. We talked about some other things and played a little more and officially ended the session there. He must had had enough fun crashing my brain for the day.
     It was good to see the fact that even though things didn't go 100% smoothly that it didn't interfere with session and the problem was fixed. I put the fact there was a little hiccup there to show the fact that not every session goes smoothly no matter how many times you  play with someone. Mistakes happen and can be fixed (not always easily but they are fixable), just because something goes wrong doesn't mean it's anyones fault. Hope you enjoy the read,  I certainly had fun doing it. Later~ ^_^


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