In a happy frame of mind

     So it's been not that long afterwards since this question was asked and I still get butterflies about it. The question being "would you consider yourself my submissive?". It was asked in the context of just how he'd hypothetically promote this little blog here (thank you all for reading it) but I got bit giddy about it. Of course not wanting to seem too overly enthusiastic about I was just like " yes I would " followed by a smiley face. Since I like him which he knows (not that I'm sure how he feels exactly and I'm nervous about the thought of asking) and being anyone submissive is something I take seriously this has got me acting like a girl who's high school crush just talked to her. But I guess this all because I wear my heart on my sleeve a bit, oh well. To be honest I'm surprised that question hasn't come up a little earlier especially when I've admitted to nearly calling him master outside of play (doubly so when he gets dominant with me). But it just might me over thinking things. With that I'll end this blog post, see you soon. ☺


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