Robot play thoughts and Harry Potter

     If you're wondering what these two topics have to do with one another don't because they poetry much have no relation except the fact I'm interested in both of them. On the robot play it comes a close second to bimbofication in things I enjoy during Skype play (along with playing by text). Which is funny since when I first started playing with bimbofication again I agonized at how stupid I sounded afterwards *chuckles. It's funny that it's a favorite of mine now that's slightly out the point though. Considering a certain someone is writing a story with a scene or two during the story involving robot play so it makes sense of be thinking about it. It also makes me consider how much we do during that scene and possibly expand on it a bit. Not that I expected the dream or daydream I had this morning about it. I oddly enough usually don't dream about hypnosis related things frequently. But when they do happen I'm usually very very submissive with no brattiness not that I notice until after I wake up. This also happened with Math is Hard as well so I shouldn't be surprised I guess. 
     Then with the Harry Potter part it's Harry Potter weekend again so this is why I'm mentioning it. As the movies go the first one is my favorite mostly because it's before everything gets from and has a happy ending. Along with being very funny at every turn. The other movie in the series I love is the third one prisoner of azkaban mainly because I liked Remus and this movie was a bit badass in comparison to the first but not as grim as the later movies became. This is not to say they aren't good movies as well. I'm going to attempt to do some more writing. Later ~


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