Very hot fun!

    I'm winding down back to normal (probably subspace since I can barely focus on writing this) after we've had some fun which was not thwarded by any actual people or scheduling conflicts (finally!) With very hot moments repeatedly popping up in my head, I'll try to put this scene in some semblance of order with some help for my Dom who caused my head to be in the current state it's in......:p 
     First after a moment of leaving me in suspense he triggered me in the slave state first (probably because we planned for him to go full out Dom on me since a little while). I think I was ordered to take off my shirt (which I did immediately without thinking about it) then I was told to kneel (which is one of those things that really pushes me into submissive headspace) . Then we got interrupted (false alarm but that happened twice more during throughout the Skype call because I was a bit hyper focused on sounds). 
     After that brief intermission I was triggered back into the slave state (although i hadn't kneeled back down which bothered me a little) for a brief moment then released. After this was the bimbo trigger (for a while possibly(yes it was) which was the abundance of good girl triggerings and going up, down then back up the arousal scale along with degradation which was a hot combination all to itself. Then he had me beg for an orgasm which was me saying please repeatedly since my brain was overrun with being horny and playing with my boobs a lot. I had said practically the same thing this time and the next time he had me beg in the slave state again but he didn't let me get away with the answer of it involved thinking and words. I did ask his permission to cum not long after but I left out the third person reference to myself which I know he likes probably because I was still being a bit bratty unconsciously.. I remember him asking me questions (obviously not difficult ones because of the state I was in).  The questions included if I I enjoyed being in these states for him and one in the second part possibly which was about what I would if he where actually there. I was a bimbo at the time I gave the vague answer of "like a lot of things" to which he said I could be more specific than that. Then he talked about how I would touch his chest, back and lower places on his front half ;) which got me quite hot... Even though I gave a vague answer my brain was on sucking his cock as soon as me asked that question although I didn't say it. 
     Most of the first half of this scene involved me being bounced around between the bimbo and slave states which I managed to notice at some point. The seriously hot part of that was when he used the body slave trigger and had me play with my nipples just because he could then released me and asked if I knew who was in control here.... I was half way through saying bratty "hmm not exactly sure who that is" and he just shut it down by using the slave trigger in combination with the body slave trigger and had me grab the back of my head and pull my hair. My brain completely shutdown at that point, my eyes were fluttering since I recall they were difficult to be keep open and my mouth was possibly hanging open a bit. It helped in the hotness area that I was doing it because he wanted me to do it and it made me feel like I had no control what so ever... Then he asked the question again and I said without hesitation "You Master" because being a brat in that situation was impossible. I believe he released me right after that.
     After we took a brief break mostly because all the orgasms and hotness in general crashed my head hard. With a few minutes of needed break taken we started back up with the robot trigger and he immediately went for the sexbot trigger  ("shocker "). He used it to turn up my arousal up the maximum and then had me doing phrases with call and response. As I mention in the previous post it's pretty hard having an emotionless expression on your face while constantly on edge of an orgasm. I was allowed to cum after the call and response part which was one of many times I came during that second half. One of about 5 times approximately according to my dominant (I personally have no clue honestly since I remember one of them was back to back at one point). The last time I certainly remember because as a bimbo (I think) I was told I would cum once I saw his cock. Which I did quite hard although I didn't see it completely since the little box for my cam was partially blocking the view but not much since I saw quite a bit. We hung out on cam for a while and talked after my head came back after crashing from that again... 
     Hope you all enjoy reading this as much I didn't doing this. Thanks for reading. Later ~ ^^


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