And the brain melting trend continues

  I just did a bit of editing on the original post since this needed a bit of a look over because I was a bit out off it while trying to write everything that happened during that scene. All least it was period my brain pretty much was a puddle due to that scene. *chuckles
     So today was a seriously awesome scene ^^! I knew my Dom read my blog so he knows about my requests on things to do during a scene that I usually think of afterwards but I momentarily forgot he reads it sometimes. It was fun that he put in a few requests from it into today's scene (which i didn't expect) along with stuff we talked about during our iming conversations. Speaking of my Dom, today I seriously felt... that without having to call him Master (which I usually do when I feeling quite submissive at least a few times typically during a scene) he was in complete control of things (of course I know I actually am but I really enjoy having him momentarily remove the perception that I have it I guess).
   The scene for today started with him dropping me deeply with the trance trigger then asking me if there was anything I wanted to do  (which he mentioned doing but he joking called it hypno-interrogation the day before and I agreed since sounded fun and it was new). I couldn't really think of anything besides the robot trigger to mention which I had also already mentioned the night before. He woke me after that up for a moment, since I routinely underestimate how deep I am with that trigger (especially with a deepening) then I think went for the robot state briefly and had me say a few phrases then he woke me up again. I seriously wanted to call him a tease afterwards with how short it was. 
     Then I was briefly a bimbo (of course *giggles) and I used that opportunity to be a bit bratty which I'm guess is part of why he said I was a fun ditz the night before (which made me want to giggle a little). I know I was definitely a robot a few separate times during that scene but I just can't completely distinguish completely what happened on each occasion. So I guess I'll just say the main points I remember while being in the robot state. There were the few phrases which were sight variations of the new ones he had me say the last time ^^. They hit certain kink related elements that I enjoy quite well. I distinctly remember having to clearing my throat one time while say a few phrases in the robot state which was a tiny bit annoying for me. I'm not sure whether he noticed that or not. He also had me positioned with my mouth and legs open (face up on my back I believe) while I came in that state (that was near if not the end of the scene) and had me on all fours right after he triggered me which was a bit before he ended up having me positioned with my mouth and legs open (both of which was hot). It was certainly interesting to be on all fours in that state, since I don't believe I've even been in that position in that state before.
    The main part of the entire scene was the empty shell suggestion which was really really awesome, possibly more fun than I remember it being from the last time. He started by dropping me again with the trance trigger and reinstalled the suggestion that once I laid my eyes on the crystal my mind and free will would get sucked into it leaving me an empty shell. Then before bringing me back up he had me momentarily forget (until he used the crystal) that he put that suggestion back in my head to begin with (like he did as part of an amazingly hot scene with Daja his girlfriend and submissive and my friend at MEEHU months ago. I had read after she wrote about and it sounded like it was quite fun and amusingly sneaky to me). After I was back to normal I tried to ask him what he did (since I knew he did something I was just unaware of what it was specifically) and he wouldn't tell me. :p Then proceeded to distract me by messing with my arousal along with pleasuring triggering a bit me probably so I couldn't try to remember or continuously ask what he had me temporarily forget. It certainly wasn't difficult to distract me with the arousal in combination with a bit of pleasure triggering, once he starts doing that (especially while probably so fractionated at this point) focusing on anything else is practically impossible. One hilarious moment during that distraction (or as a bimbo) he asked me a bit teasingly if I wanted him to turn down the arousal. I quickly replied "don't even think about it".  I knew I'd be way more frustrated if he had turned it down (which he rarely does).
    Then after being satisfied he thoroughly distracted me, he finally pulled out the crystal and for a split second I was puzzled as to why he had it, then I couldn't look away from it along with noticing everything else got.... less important. I remember repeating the phrase still staying at the crystal at this point I think  "no thoughts only arousal" (after staring fixedly at the crystal and getting my mind and free will sucked in it) because he told me to until I was just blank. There was literally no thoughts in my head I was just completely aroused (since he suggested I just repeat that phrase until I filled the emptiness (created by getting my freewill and mind sucked in the crystal) with arousal. 
    After doing so he had me play with my nipples one at a time while I repeated a phrase (a different one for each nipple) he told me to say one of them being that I was a mindless (either puppet or fucktoy I think). He also had me do the same thing while rubbing my clit (also while saying a different phrase) which caused me to start moving my hips a bit which I'm pretty sure he noticed (I still don't remember the phrase he had me say then because that point I was just so horny out of my mind ..... *chuckles if I was currently in possession of one then one..... along with being quite fractionated). He had me keep doing that until he finally told me to cum hard.  Which I certainly did since I remember my back arching, squeaking a little and my toes curling a bit. I'm not sure which is more fun mindlessly cumming after being aroused so much or just cumming until I'm practically mindless or close enough to being mindless. That's certainly a fun comparison *chuckles.
    After waking me up and taking a break because my head was a bit fuzzy (no surprise there) that I was a robot again for a moment. I think this is where me being positioned on my back and cumming with my mouth and legs open came in possibly after some more mantras. Then we called it an end to the play for the day and sat around and talked about stuff (while I was being mostly naked since I had taken my clothes off gradually during all that play due to use of a certain body trigger...... well so was he but he was under a blanket mostly so I didn't get to see him unclothed except once or twice which I certainly enjoyed... :$/:)) and I saw one of the halo figures he just got. They are so tiny I'd be worried about breaking them myself but I imagine he's a bit an expert of handling them that I am (turned it he did break one but my head was to muddled to remember at that moment). Apparently I caused him to think about doing things (I may have been thinking the same thing myself a bit.... and by may have I mean I sure as hell was lol) since I (having redressed then partially undressed again) was sitting around partially dressed and he slightly less dressed then I was. I kind of noticed that I have a tendency to want to be unclothed if not less clothed more often around him which I've adopted I guess from him enjoying being undressed for an appreciative audience. We so need to be in the same room let alone place at least once (preferably much more than that for many reasons). I have no additions or suggestions to what we did today because it was seriously awesome.  Just one or two ideas maybe more for next time possibly ^^.  Hope you enjoy reading about today. Later ~


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