much needed fun times

     Hey sorry it's been a little since the last post but life is being a little unreasonable at the moment in an area or two. But it's not all bad. Today of course included in the much needed fun category. :)
     Yay to actually seeing him after two weeks. I mean I know two weeks isn't that long since that's the amount of time people wait to get a paycheck from their job after all but this is so different. I just hate having to wait so long in between skyping one another in general not just for the sexy fun stuff.  Plus he makes me laugh when I'm not feeling my best and actually seeing him is the closest we get to hanging out in person (for now anyways ;). With that let me start describing today's scene (which is a tiny bit of a blur right now). ^^
     We started after our usual bit of talking (which included a tumblr meme which reminded me of him so much lol) then lead to him pleasure triggering me and me being a brat in response (as usual). Along with him turning up the arousal when I was being bratty. This continued a short while after he pulled the bimbo trigger.  That consisted of him asking if I was going to behave in button pushing ways and me replying maybe which resulting in more pleasure triggering and messing with my arousal until I finally stopped being a brat. This lead to him describing me having his cock in my mouth and sucking it (which I reacted to top the point I had unconsciously moved my tongue as if his cock were sliding in my mouth at that moment). Then he turned the arousal all the way up and after a moment of having me play with my boobs with both hands (I did it cross handed which is amusing right now) me without having me cum.
     That's also a thing he does to be a complete tease :p.  Then after collecting myself for a few seconds (as much as one could when still highly aroused) he froze me. That was quite unexpected since he usually doesn't do that over Skype due to limitations one what can be done with it. It's still not fair that's a thing since it's not officially a trigger it just became one unofficially. He used the opportunity to remind me of how horny I currently was (of course)  then unfroze me. Before I even got a second to think he used the trance trigger and launched into a deepener. I don't recall the entirety of it because in part of how fast he sprung it on me. I seriously hope he does that again. ^^ 
    This lead to me repeating phrases (which is always fun) like "I'm a puppet" or "I'm completely under your control" (love those especially the second one). Of course I'm pretty much undressed at this point and still at max arousal so I was seriously compliant at this point. After a bit of that and more pleasure triggering he brought me back up again then made the switch to the robot state. There were more phrases (this time said in a bit of a stilted voice) after he had me get on all fours. The movement part wasn't as distracting as last time probably since it meant not scrambling to get off the bed that standing does (even though I do like standing in that state). Then had me cum twice in row while still on all fours after all that teasing. Safe to say I was briefly non communicative afterwards. So much he told me to let him know when I was eventually on some level able to hold a conversation.  
    That did happen after a few minutes and we talked about stuff including his love of Homestuck (which is hilarious based on what he's told me about it). There was also talk about NEEHU plans (including hopefully going myself if I get lucky and rooming with him, daja and a few other people which would be so awesome) which is coming up early next year. To elaborate a little NEEHU which stands for New England Erotic Hypnosis (Un) conference is a hypnosis conference that happens yearly. I'll probably add a link about it if you're all interested and I'm less lazy (*chuckles). I also mock threatened to poke him if I made it to NEEHU to which he said I'd end up frozen quickly. To which I was like NEEHU potential and chuckled a bit evilly (which I organically developed long before I met him but it's amusing we both have some form of an evil villain laugh) With that I hope you all enjoy the read. Later ~ ^^


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