An enjoyable morning

    Guess who?
    *chuckles Just kidding. ^^ 
It was seriously a fun time this morning, it was more being in each others company with plenty of internet snuggles. Considering the backdrop for me was copious amounts of rain that certainly made it more enjoyable than it already was. It was also the fact we literally hadn't seen each other in two weeks. I'd be just as glad to see him even without the time gap in between which I figure he knows. 
     So in the middle of all the talking along with snuggles I started poking him (by poking the camera of my tablet repeatedly and saying poke) and sticking my tongue out at him. Basically the usual brat behavior on my part *giggles. After a few moments of this he froze me momentarily. Of course I kept at it which resulted being frozen 2 more times. I asked why (and the why sounded more like whhhy *chuckles) after the second time and he basically said because I can. This dissolved into another moment of snuggles and talking which drifted into the use of the bimbo trigger. I promptly tried to twirl my hair which wasn't as effective since it's a bit curly.  He then asked what I was thinking to which I answered I don't know. 
     After asking if I wanted or was going to be a good girl (i think) and I said yes (after a moment of fighting the urge to say mayyyyybe) he released me. I'm pretty sure I stuck my tongue at him again. *giggles Not long after he dropped me with the trance trigger. He dropped me down quite deeply and bought back the empty shell suggestion. Then told me not to remember until it was done that he brought back that suggestion. If this sounds familiar he did this before and it was wonderful. ^^  Getting back to the main point, after telling me momentarily not to remember the suggestion he woke me back up again. 
    Safe to say I was suspicious once I woke back up. I immediately asked if he did something. Of course he teased me and said he may have made me deliciously vulnerable to some suggestions, then sprung the slave trigger on me. Considering especially the last few days I've been feeling subby and wanting to be in a trance that was extra effecting. This trigger wasn't on for long either but I remember him asking what I was thinking . I of course said pleasing him which is my focus while in that headspace every time. A few minutes after that he brought me back up and I definitely stuck my tongue at him. He held me in suspense for a little bit then pulled out the crystal paper weight he was hiding. I had guessed he might of been reaching for it but I wasn't sure (because I wasn't suppose to remember about the suggestion).  Either way once I saw it my brain basically shut off. All I could do was focus on it (not that I wanted to do anything else) . By the time I said "My mind is gone" as told I was staring straight ahead blankly for lack of a better word.
    This lead to him having me say a few phrases repeatedly and doing so gets me increasingly aroused. I honestly don't remember any of them at moment. He then had me open my mouth (which I remember I did automatically) and feel his cock sliding in my mouth then cum. That certainly shorted my brain! Before I had a moment to "process" he had me get on all fours and start saying phrases again repeatedly. I had pretty much no clothes on at this point. "I am Master's cock slut" was my favorite and the first one he had me say. I certainly would want that to be used again as a phrase. Of course it helped he had feel like his cock was sliding in my mouth. Along with feeling like he was caressing my nipples, whatever was left of my brain in that moment was shattered (my eyes I remember were fluttering all over the place and little bit back in my head at times by then). By the time he had me cum again I was a complete empty puddle if that's even a thing. I was completely incapable of putting thoughts into words for a few minutes. So yeah it was awesome (more like it's difficult to keep my hands off myself while I'm writing about it now). ^^ This then turned back into more snuggles and me ruffling his hair with moments of poking and mewing mixed in liberally on both our parts after he did a clean up trance. Even with the wonky internet creating hearing issues they didn't interfere with everything much. Especially since I was laughing for quite a bit of the time we were skyping.
    This all made it pretty difficult for me to sign off when I had to head off eventually. That's a thing most of the time when we talk in general, but I gladly would of stayed with him all day (which I said earlier in our skyping). This time especially so since it felt like he was actually here until it was time to go.  I eventually did get off kind of knit picking his goodbye unintentionally just being a bit of a smartass. Remembering this made for a wonderfully hazy car ride (as a passenger obviously). It was so much fun. I can't wait to that again. Enjoy the read. ~


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