Past due promissed blog entry

   Sorry about not having a blog post up for a while but life and college seems to have different ideas. It's not as much fun writing a blog entry after having written and edited a 4 page essay. Oh well hopefully the slump will cease soon enough. ^^
     This is a post on fun things that happens many weeks ago but luckily it was by text so I have the text history to help me out on the details, Back on superbowl sunday last month we planned to play a bit since we're not watching the game. We hadn't skyped that friday I believe (*pouts) so we decided to do something that weekend. I'm so glad I had privacy that day even though it wasn't over cam because my self restraint was (for the latter end of it) non existent for most of that scene. Considering the scene was my request (apparently I don't make enough of those :P) I thought I knew what to expect since we've done a slight bit of it before. I was quite wrong in a good way.
    The scene started with him dropping me in a trance which never stops being fun. Then he had me be completely blank (no will), unthinking and empty which lead to him having me fill up the emptiness with arousal. So I'd be completely blank yet filled with arousal and have it continue to grow from there. The catch is that I can't cum without his permission. So no matter how horny I get I can't get any release without his say so. After establishing this point he brought me back up and had me still becoming more aroused from the level I was at while still under. 
    As soon as I was awake the teasing began which shouldn't of been any surprise but it never ceases to be amusing torment on my part. It included him calling me his puppet (which I enjoy and is his favorite term) and pleasure triggering me not that I needed it. It earned him some glares from me which resulted in him continuing to pleasure trigger and pushing my submissive buttons as well. Then he had me start playing with myself for a moment.and at this point I was getting slightly incoherent. 
   After paying with my boobs for a few moments I realized playing with myself made it worse. I really needed to play with myself and it just made me more horny. Then he asked me if I wanted to cum which I really really did at that point. He said and I quote "Unfortunately you aren't going to get to" then used the bimbo trigger and asked if that helped (which he knew he didn't). I'm just as horny now just stupid and focused on sex. With that he layed on the subiness mixed with bimbo stuff for a moment, telling me I'm wonderfully compliant little airhead. Then ended the bimbo suggestion and proceeded to drop me again bringing my arousal back to normal. 
    I still wanted an orgasm after all that since the period in orgasm denial feel really long (he said it wasn't that long but that's felt that way in my head). So he just put my arousal at a5 then asked me to ask or beg him to as the case may be (I begged). and he pleasured triggered me again and had me cum. My brain was momentarily fried after that and it was fun.We spent the time of me recuperating talking over how it went including me telling him I was swearing as much as I begged under my breath during that scene.*chuckles
   I asked to play a bit more if he was up to it after I completely back to normal. He was and pulled the robot trigger on me since I said I didn't have anything in mind. He went through me repeating the hot things he said after him like I'm programmed to suck cock and other phrases. This was after he has me reposition the way I was seated at the moment. He had me come again and completely ended the robot trigger. After that it was a lot of snuggles on my part since right after playing I always want to snuggle and stuff. There was more talking about various things mixed in with snuggling of course for a while. That pretty much end this post. Hope you all enjoy it. Later ~ ^^


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