The Sketchy Hotel

 The promised side story on the very conspicuous hotel we stopped at before going to the better one to have l long awaited in person play.
     He was driving to the address with lovely hair stroking at random intervals (with my slightly under par direction giving) and we were close at this point. As we got into close viewing distance I saw there was something off with the hotel. It had a different name compared to the one shown in the picture which came up during my Google Map search a few days before. That kind of threw me off but it didn't give me any warning signs in the realm of this place is seriously iffy. With that train of thought in my head he turned to go into a pay to park parking lot diagonally adjacent to the hotel.
     The place looked a bit full already when we pulled into it. The attendants there pretty much said that once we got in there if I remember correctly. So we got out of there somehow (since it was a bit of a tight fit) and went to the parking lot we figured out was behind the hotel itself. The lot was small and mostly empty so no problems parking there. Then we got out (I left my backpack with the slippers I made for him in the car after a moment of debate about it) and walked around to the front. I momentarily had a thought of offering to carry his bag (the play bag and another bag possibly) during the short walk. I lagged behind slightly so he held the door for me once we got up the stairs. 
     I looked around when we got inside the building and it looked nice enough. There was security guard at a desk (with a ledger of the history of whose's stayed there presumably) sitting at the nearby corner slightly removed from where the reception desk was. There was no one at the reception desk it looked quite deserted to be honest. He asked the security guard about making a reservation (the guard signed write puzzled by that for some reason). So Turq asked the security guard where the desk person was and the guard said the receptionist was upstairs. He radioed the receptionist to come downstairs and we stood around waiting for a short while.
    Turq was leaned up slightly against the wall right next to the reception desk and I was a little off to his right. After a moment of waiting I turned around to look at him and he pokes me on my cheek. I stuck my tongue out at him and poked him back on his cheek. He remarked at how surprised he was that he got the first poke in (*chuckles). I think all the hair petting and the moment of making me look at him with just a light touch of my chin on the car ride over softened up my brattiness a bit :p. I then closed the short space between us and we huggle for a while. More like a standing snuggle on my part I believe (*chuckles).
     Either way it was quite nice and I kind of loss track of time slightly until we saw a guy come up from downstairs and had a short conversation to confirm to the same previously puzzled security guard that he was leaving. After that I think mentally we were like what the hell is going on. After waiting another minute or so of waiting for the receptionist to show up and after Turq suggested we should probably just try the other hotel address I had on my phone he let the questionable security guard that we were leaving. We headed out and not long afterwards he remarked at least we got a mutual good story out of it. ^^ You all know the rest of the story. ;) Hope you enjoy the side story. Later ~ :)


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