More text fun ^^

I forget he reads my blog posts sometimes because he took my suggestion on more pillow humping lol. But might have over did it a little unintentionally especially with my lack of perception of time. *giggles This was a fun thing to do again especially as a bimbo. All this fun was very much enjoyed. :)

    It started with the usual talking and being a brat on my part. I then tugged on his shirt for no real reason. When I shrugged when he asked what I wanted he pulled the body slave trigger. That trigger is the only one I don't really give a reaction to. He had me grab a pillow, put it between my legs and start humping it. While doing that i could message him while continuing to hump the pillow. It was weird being able to think while my body was mindlessly humping the pillow without stopping. He pleasure triggered me which was no help (and I told him as much). He asked me what would help I gave him a sarcastic reply. 
     He used that moment to pull the bimbo trigger and told me to keep fucking the pillow. The fact he told me to do that made me feel so horny doing that. He asked knowing I'd say yes probably to the question if I liked doing that. I said unprompted I wanted to be doing other things like sucking his cock. He pleasure triggered me pleased with that and asked if I wanted to be a very good little cockslut (which I of course did).  Then he had me stop pillow humping and ended the bimbo trigger. 
    The first thing I said to that was he made a bit horny kind of. He replied amused he liked when I got understated. When I why he pulled the trance trigger suddenly leaving me confused for a second then I dropped. He put the suggestion that i would masturbate and strip without thinking about it or realizing its a suggestion. While I'm doing that he said I should continue talking to him normally and I'd continue to do that until he says realize. Then he brought me back up having me forget that trance until he says realize. 
      After a second of wondering what I was talking about I got him to answer what he meant by me being understated. To his answer I gave him one of these :p again. He asked what I thinking as usual and I said how hot that was. We went into talking about that and he asked the relatively rhetorical question if i get horny from being made stupid (which I do). He asked more like that making more distracted while I'm less and less clothed and not really aware of it. 
     By the time he's asking me what my  favorite thing to be called when made a bimbo and if I'm undressed like a good fucktoy, I find myself agreeing with or answering what he's asking while  masturbating pretty much naked. The last question he asked me was if I feeling like a sexy, obedient fucktoy for him (which I was so much). He pleasure triggered me then and said that he liked making me feel sexy (:$) then said realize. My brain took a moment to get what's going on straight in my mind. Then I remembered how he caught me by surprise. I said it wasn't fair as usual and he used that a segway to turn my arousal  all the way up (following a slight typo which would mess up any communication ability on my end). An attempt by  him to get me to pay attention to what I'm feeling was met with sarcasm again. 
    Then he said he thought I was grumpy since I had all my brain. I told that it was actually him being a tease as usual. His reply still teasing was a question of what he could he do that wasn't teasing. Then proceeded to suggest things that were the furthest from not being teasing (those things being keeping me on edge and repeatedly cumming until I was spent). He made it sound so hot I reacted. He used that opening and had me cum 6 times in a row without a real moment to pause. Then he had my arousal go back to normal. This lead to an atypical high instead of usual incoherence after multiple orgasms which surprised us both. I still gave snuggles after and we did discuss everything included my unplanned but typical brattiness. Also the fact I apparently spent 10 minutes humping that pillow in total somehow.... He was surprised I did it for that long even with the suggestion in place (although it wasn't that surprising for me). After about an hour feeling wide awake and talking about things the high finally started wearing off and some sleep was needed. With this I'll end this post, hope you enjoy reading it.~^^


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