Well today became incredibly hot.....

     Honestly I wasn't expecting any hypnokink activities to be happening today because I could sense he wasn't up to it. Especially once we got on Skype, just by the way his voice sounded. Not that I minded at all. Since talking about other stuff and being in each others company over Skype is equally enjoyable for the both of us. Especially since we hadn't Skyped in a little bit. Plus he's there for me a lot when it comes to my bouts of mood shifts (which are annoying) and crappy moments. So doing the for him was something that I wouldn't even think twice about doing. So, we talked about what was bothering him among other things which eventually got him into a better mood (which I was immensely glad for). Since I sometimes feel useless to do anything and because distance I can't physically be there.The other things we talked about included the Tony's last night. Hamilton won the most (not surprisingly) and there were some awesome moments. My favorite being the the car ride karaoke (which I'm going to YouTube if it's the last thing I do). Yeah, that was carpool group singing goals all the way.
    After a while Turq said he was more up for playing now than he previously thought he would be. I said I was good with doing things. I had a moment of poking him and chuckling which amused him. Not that I was planning on being bratty today, I just wanted to poke him. Then he dropped me with the trance trigger and deepen me right after. This in spite of the music that continues to play outside even while I'm writing about this later on. I was aware of the music playing but it faded out of my immediate awareness as I paid attention to what he was saying. He lulled me into a completely blank state before I even knew what happened. I wasn't sure I'd be as relaxed because I decided to have coffee before the call even started plus the music playing. So vaguely I recall me telling myself to relax during this part. 
     I must have looked more relaxed than I deemed myself to be. He told me to take off my shirt then kneel following completion of that task. I still had my eyes closed while removing my shirt (since I wasn't sure if he wanted me to open them). I finally opened them once he had me kneel. I didn't have a thought while doing that, I just did as I was told. Keeping my eyes open was so hard at that point. Every time I blinked I had to somewhat force them back open. He said after I kneeled some things including that I couldn't think (which I briefly realized was true when he said it), I had no will and I was his slave which caused me to slip even deeper. He basically asked me if I agreed which I said yes of course. While kneeling he had me say "I am my Master's slave, puppet and fucktoy." repeatedly. Following a bit of that he had me stop and repeat different phrases after him. During this I barely noticed my hand was stroking from side to side in my lap. Probably because I'm so use to masturbating for him I was automatically doing that. I had to get myself to stop twice because since he hadn't told me to play with myself in any way I figured wasn't suppose to.
      Then he had me stop repeating after him and bend over the bed. I thought he was going to have me masturbate then but noticed I still had the lower half of my clothes on. I was aware of how my eyes were barely halfway open again once bent over. He had me open and close my mouth then repeat phrases after him again like "I am your slave." and "You are my Master." There was a lot of pleasure triggering throughout all this. He had me stand and remove the rest of my clothes. Then repeat even more phrases like "I was completely under his control." (that's still incredibly hot) "My body is yours to use." and "My mouth belongs around your cock." I was swaying on my feet slightly during this. By the time he had me stop repeating again and kneel I was begging for him to use me (talking above an audible tone was difficult before then so I'm not sure he heard me). In the middle of this part I remember him asking me how I felt and after a moment (because of the whole not thinking thing) I said  blank, horny and submissive (this was awesome). Once I was kneeling again he had me open my mouth and feel his cock entering my mouth. This of course induced instant eyes rolling into the back of my head and groaning on my part at the sensation. (I really am accustom to doing that now *chuckles) After a moment he had me cum and pleasure triggered as I was coming down off the orgasm. Then had me cum a second time (both times I automatically gripped the blanket closest to my left hand) and dropped me back into a trance. The usual cleanup trance to have everything go back to normal and brought me back up ending the scene. 
    It took me a second to get up sit back on the bed. I was still slightly spaced out and my speech wasn't completely coherent for a few minutes at most. Which led to much appreciated pets and ruffles. Once I was completely good to talk, for the rest of the call we discussed comic related things (among other things) like they apparently had a werewolf Steve Rogers in the 80's just because they could...? Also vampires were involved because why not... Yeah I was just slightly baffled at that. Also that it was referenced in a Sam Wilson comic by doing that to him. Along with villain Zemo being a huge troll to Bucky following his failed stint as a superhero. Comics sometimes I swear... Eventually he had to go and do things leading to the end of the call with him in a much better mood (^^). Thus ending this blog entry on a great note. hope you all enjoy reading this. ~


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