Hypnokink thoughts (mainly on the submissive side)

     So I've noticed the need I've had to be objectified lately which before I started doing all this I probably wouldn't have seen that as appealing. I guess the fact still applies that if I don't find the objectification arousing it won't be appealing. Mainly the part of of being objectified I find alluring is to please by being used.That's probably why being a bimbo stop being funishment in part. (:p) Not that that has made it become used any less. In fact I feel that's the main point of my Dom and I's play to an extent.Whether it's the main focus or leading up to something else it's definitely involved. As evident with the recent blog entry with fractionation via bringing me in and out of triggers relatively quickly. Not that temporarily brainwashing me into mindlessly obedience isn't up there as well. *chuckles Since I have a tendency to sink into the headspace I'm in so it's basically the same as bringing me in and out repeatedly via the trance trigger. 
     This is even if all the headspaces are different which they really are. Although they are all linked with each other with the fact that I'm obedient to him on different levels. From a giggly horny bimbo who goes along with what he says cause he's hot and super smart plus sex (mainly sex probably lol). To the completely obedient slave undeniably under his control (when I'm out of it enough to not to brat). Then there's the robot state where nothing but completing my next orders exists to me. I think the robot state I sink deepest into at least where those triggers are involved. Considering he's dropped me so deeply into trance via im one time that typing took some serious effort. I'm still surprised I kept my eyes open the entire time during that one. I certainly wouldn't mind doing that again (he probably wouldn't either :p). 
    I wonder if we could add another headspace eventually (if that's ever deemed to be needed). I wonder if maybe if that could be a harem girl type headspace since we've mentioned a few times about getting a harem girl outfit. That more for possible MEEHU Tranced things depending if get to go next  year if I'm really really lucky. Although that probably would be similar to the slave state I imagine in essence. I'd like to add a new thing or two every once in a while to give him more options to mess with my head. Not that he needs any ideas by now with it being nearly 3 years (he knows enough of my weaknesses :p). I'm not sure how that happen since it honestly doesn't feel like any time has passed at all. I've made a few great friends via him because it's a thing he enjoys doing which amuses me. Plus he seems to have good judgement on potential friendship compatibility based on what I've seen anyway. These 3 years as his submissive (not officially for all of it but the dynamic was there pretty much) have been quite fun even without the kink things. I mean it''s not been perfect but definitely pretty awesome. Hopefully things will continue in this direction because I certainly wouldn't trade it for anything. Before I get too overly sappy (still wouldn't take back what I said thought ^^) let me just end this blog entry right here. Thanks for reading~


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