More Skype time again! ~

     After not seeing him (via Skype anyways) for a few weeks it was nice to finally get some non people interrupted video time with him. I think that was the fastest an hour went by with play and talking. Had to wait quite a bit before I had the privacy to start the call (which was irritating). I didn't get to brat as much before we started because my Dom was adorably excited to start. I was too since I wanted to make sure what we planned was done without potential sudden interruptions.
    It started with him dropping me with the trance trigger (and a little deepener). Then reestablishing the override device concept that he introduced over text the other day. (I'll write about that  in another entry soon) The concept with override is in my mind there's a device attached to my head (which looks however my brain decides it looks). This device actives whenever he says override and a command. My body fulfills the command automatically then override turns back off once I've completed the command. That's basically what my Dom reestablished (a bit more eloquently) when I was under, then brought me back up. 
    After I woke up from the trance he started chuckling evilly. When I heard it I said he only chuckled
 like that when he was planning something. I don't recall what he said to that but not long after that  used the override suggestion to get me to stand. My response when he asked me "Yees?" to that was saying "Really?" and sticking out my tongue. He then had me remove my shirt with the suggestion. I continued to brat in response since override is similar to body slave in that it's not a headspace. Therefore I'm free to brat unless does something to prevent that (:p). He also had me say the usual phrases in override which is clearly undermining my bratting (he agreed it was when I asked a little later). Not that I can recall any of them right now likely because of the fractionation. He then used it to have me bend over my bed. 
      By this point, I wasn't sticking out my tongue anymore. Although I was still bratting slightly at him. He used the suggestion to have me remove my pants. After following that I got back the position of being bent over the bed. He had asked why I was back in that position (since it hadn't occurred to me that I could sit again) and I said he had told me I could change positions.  He pleasure triggered me for that answer, then he had me kneel via override. While still kneeling override was used again so I would squeeze my breasts together and have my mouth open. In the back of my mind while I was doing this I thought I was not in control anymore. That was really hot for me. 
     My Dom had me stop doing that and sat back on the bed. He used override to have me say another phrase or two and masturbate. Along with briefly feeling a cock in my mouth and sucking on it which induced instant eyes rolling back from me as usual. He paused briefly before having me stop masturbating which had me wonder if he forgot I was for a second. He said he didn't and I suspect he was teasing me by doing that (which wouldn't be shocking). After having me stop and checking how I was he dropped me again via trance trigger (and having me focus on his voice to draw even deeper). This time however he was setting up something new, robot brainwashing which is basically bimbo brainwashing with some differences. With robot brainwashing he instructed every time I repeated the phrase he wanted (after he said the word robot then the phrase) me to say,I would get a "shock" (I took it as an instinct or something similar) to sit straight. Also every repetition of said phrases I would become more mindless, emotionless monotone in my speech and mechanical in my movements. Finally that my speech would change from first person to third person.` He checked if I understood and liked this suggestion (which I really did) and brought me back up. 
    It took me slightly longer to become aware of my surroundings since I was under longer for this time. When I was coherent enough we started. Phrases included the usual like "You are programmed to suck cock." and new ones including "You are not human." (or something like that) and "You are a mindless robotic drone.". The first time I said a phrase I felt my back stiffen up straight  automatically during the entire phrase then switch back to my normal posture. He asked me how it was and I said it was interesting and I was starting to feel a little hazy.  By the second and third phrase any thoughts I could of had drifted further away from my reach. He had noted aloud I had started looking blankly ahead between phrases. Along with suggested that I would answer questions Yes Master or No Master which I agreed by saying "Yes Master." without thinking about it. 
    Before long my posture remained straight between phrases and becoming more stiff, emotionless and mindless. Thinking wasn't even a concept I could grasp by then. He had asked me what I was thinking at one point and I came up with nothing. I'm not sure what phrase I switched to third person phrasing but by then nothing existed but whatever my programming was. Yeah I was quite gone at this point. I didn't even want anything which I don't think has ever happened to that depth before (that's really hot to realize). Once sufficiently robotized he had me get up then kneel with my legs spread. Any other headspace I would be wondering what was coming next, at that moment there was nothing there. Once positioned as he commanded he had me cup my breasts and  (had me say phrases including "Your attributes exist to please your Master." (or something like that), "Your cunt belongs to Master." and "You are well lubricated.". He then had me masturbate which was different to do as robot mainly because I wasn't sure how to react (which I mentioned afterwards). He mentioned when I said that it was interesting to see me slip back into being human. Which I hadn't noticed since I was mentally completely in robot headspace and didn't see my expressions throughout the robot brainwashing. 
    After he had me stop masturbating, he ended the robot brainwashing by saying cancel (which surprised and confused me since I wouldn't have minded staying in that headspace a little longer). About half a second after doing that he had me cum. I hadn't expected that at all. That crashed my brain completely and after a moment I stopped cumming. I got back to sitting on the bed out of instinct since I was still kneeling at this point. Talking was difficult when he asked me how that was, I shook my head yes or no to answer questions. Which caused him to ask if I wanted him to do a cleanup trance. Which I agreed with since it helps when I'm especially spacy following a scene. He dropped me and had me get rid of (for lack of a better explanation) all the suggestions from today then come back up again. 
    Once he brought me back up this time I was way more coherent. Still slightly fuzzy but nothing like before.  We talked over how fun that was and the talk turned into other things like my surprise at him having hot pretzel. Because I forget those are a commercial item at times. Along with the similarities of two of his other play partners have and seeing the plastic cane he got so I could figure out to make a cover for it possibly. After a bit of talking he got off Skype to prepare  to play with someone else later on. Of course not before many virtual snuggles on my part. *chuckles Thus ending another scene recap. Later~ ^^


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