So it's been awhile

    *waves around to let everyone know I didn't abandon ship.
      At the end of November into most of December it was crazy time for me (i.e. finals) so I didn't have time nor was I up for blogging about things. That applies for post finals as well. Although in that case i just really didn't want to have to type much of everything after the boat load of work during that past semester (plus other things). There were a fun things that have happened during this vacation that I have neglected to write about and probably won't because my memory is too fuzzy at this point to have an accurate recall of what happened. Hopefully with my change in schedule there should be more time for Skype fun. 
    It's still slightly odd to be switching sometimes especially over skype since I'm not use to it even though it's quite fun. Hopefully I can get the hang of it more easily as time passes. It kind of makes me slightly nervous to top him in person, whenever that occurs (even though I'll be glad to see him regardless). Since it doesn't come as easily to me at times I'm worried I'm going to screw up somehow. But I'm probably over thinking things (which I have a tendency to do sometimes). Other than that, things are pretty good and hope to get back to blogging about fun over Skype soon enough. See ya~ ^^


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