In person brainwashing fun

As usual with the delay with the in person fun some details are going to be fuzzy given the time between it happening and my blogging about it. (I apparently underestimated how busy I was going to be in the weeks (make that months) after this.)    
I didn't realize how much I had been looking forward to yesterday (in spite of the countdown) until it was happening and when it was over. With it being over a year since the last time we got to see each other in person it makes sense. Also it being the first time since we've started switching and the plan for the day included some time of me topping him along with the usual vice versa. Both of those made me a little nervous plus excited simultaneously. Therefore, it made me glad it didn't take long for him to get there. Being it his third time there it wasn't surprising. After finding where he was I got in and the hugs and ruffles almost instantly started. I made sure to give him the birthday/christmas gift I had made him before the activities made me too dazed to remember to give him it. (*is really glad he liked it) As per usual the intentional teasing started on the way there with him stroking my leg which I hadn't expected to be so squirm inducing. I learned on the way there we didn't get the same room again although it was the same ending numbers just a floor higher. I would have been slightly amused (and slightly suspicious) if we got the same room a third time. We amusingly matched in purple since it's my favorite color (If that isn't highly evident by now 💜).
     We got to the hotel room and did the usual things before the fun began. Turq had asked me if I had wanted to top first since this what we had tentatively agreed to a few before hand. I wasn't sure on that so I said he should probably top first. Not long after I said that he had pinned me to the wall (which is just as haze inducing the second time around). The hair pulling certainly didn't help with the haziness. He did the tilting my chin to direct me to look at him (*squirms at the thought of that) then asked if I was going be a good girl (or something like that). Of course we barely started so I gave the brat answer of maybe. He started dropping me from that point (after leading me down to the floor in a sitting position) that turned my attention to the pocket watch having me going blank and such. I swore I heard it ticking but apparently that was in my head. I vaguely remember following the watch back and forth with my eyes. Thus putting me into a trance but I don't recall much other than the occasional word about being blank and empty. 
     After this point I thing he had me stand up again and removing some of my clothes (just the sweater and the button up shirt underneath that). Then briefly being seated on the bed (think he was teasing me a little), ending up on the floor again but this time on all fours. He then proceeded to use me briefly as a footstool (I had mentioned I wanted to do that a few days before). During this he was telling me how helpless I was and/or being useful as a object (or something along those lines). Not long after that, he moved to the nearby chair he had re positioned and had me crawl over there to him. Pets and pleasure triggering occurred when I got the chair immediately followed with slave brainwashing. My memory of this part is quite vague since I imagine the fractionation was setting in at this point. I remember having take off his socks and shoes and kissing his feet and hands.
    Then he had me stand not long after that and remove some of my clothes. This lead to him putting my hands behind my back and using the simple command of bound to have my hands be stuck behind me. With me being so fractionated it worked (which I was kind of surprised at when we talked about days after). With my hands behind he gently nudged me to the bed. Basically in the usual bent over the bed position except for my hands being stuck behind me. The helplessness level went up to like a 12 with that he took off my bra with some maneuvering on my part. He was also on top of me nibbling my ears while I was in this position (mmmmm). He had me get up after that no long with my hand stuck behind me and started squeezing my boobs. I love when he does that (although I remember he did it a little too hard which I told him). Also I removed my clothes until I got down to my leggings. This led to an amusing conversation which I still recall slightly. Since I didn't take them off and I believe he asked why I didn't I said because I was cold. To which he was like "You know I'm going to give you a look for that." (or something to that effect). Given the fraction I imagine I didn't make much sense and I elaborated the best I could on what I meant.
     At this point I think is when I ended up face up on the and him teasing me physically and verbally  upon seeing my reaction to the physical teasing (specifically rubbing between my legs with his and asking if I liked it :P). Still wearing my legging mind you making it all the more frustrating for me. You can easily guess my answer was yes to that teasing question (which he already knew the answer to). Not long after this point I was sitting the chair he had moved previously (right before the slave part of the scene) and he was doing the butterfly induction on me. It took my brain a second to realize this since I was quite fuzzy at this point and it's also why I dropped quite easily. He immediately brought back a suggestion he had done over im one time in which every time he touched my temple and said a phrase I would repeat it and become more like a robot. This portion is a complete blur other than the forgetting at times to straighten my back for the suggestion. I believe he had me get up once I was sufficiently brainwashed as a robot and walk towards him (since he had moved a short distance after the brainwashing). I think I also finally took the rest of my clothing off at this point. I do remember kneeling and rubbing my face where his cock was underneath his boxers. Still in the robot headspace the actions were a bit mechanically on my end. 
     At this point he ended the robot suggestion then transitioned to the fuck doll trigger which we hadn't used in quite a while. He had me sit on the floor with my legs spread apart widely, mouth wide open and arms at my sides. I vaguely recall him suggesting that every breath in made me more hot and aroused during setting up in this position (or something like that). I remember him fucking my face for a bit and holding on to my hair as he did so which was all the hot. Then reestablishing the trigger for that state right after that. He had asked me if I had gotten what I wanted out of that (something to that effect since I know those aren't the exact words he used) and nodded my assent that it was. It was at this point he tranced me with this cock which wasn't necessary at this point given I was quite far gone at this point. I know I definitely sucked him off until he came (which I was slightly disappointed I missed noticing the moment he came). I imagine that's because in the submissive headspace it's the ultimate way to know I've pleased him (also the sounds he makes during it are hot which certainly doesn't hurt). He brought me back up and ended the scene the portion with him topping anyways. 
    I took moment to get some semblance of coherence back after all of that fun. After we switched with me on top both physically and metaphorically. With him laying back on the bed I hypnotized him with my boobs which is a thing he likes a lot (*smirks). I also had him suck on my boobs which is a thing I mutually support. I got little too close during that in part because I got bit distracted by the slight hip grinding I was doing since I hadn't cum during that entire previous scene. I hope it was distracting for him too. As a top I've noticed so far I have a tendency to  not recall dialog as easily and have a more sketchy recollection over all. Maybe that will change with more practice who knows. Getting back to the scene after having Turq suck on my boobs I had him get up and kneel before me having him kiss my hands and feet like I did with him earlier (:D) and had him say phrases briefly (I think). That completely ended scenes that happened that day. Following all this, we got to snuggles and me putting his head in his lap briefly (along with me poking his knee and giggling about it). We then spent the rest of the time hanging out talking while watching the Japanese power rangers and kamen rider clips because he has a lot of episodes. We eventually did have to leave because I had to get back to school for a later class plus he had to get back to where he was staying which involved avoiding traffic. I was already missing him a little after he dropped me off. (Sorry again this took so long to get done but life/laziness happened) Thanks for reading~ ^^


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