Robot time again~

     I wasn't sure we'd have time to do stuff today but luckily it worked out. At first it was some quality time of talking about stuff and lounging. Which I do enjoy mainly because we don't get to do it that often over Skype. It eventually led to play happening which started with the bimbo trigger being pulled. That involved the usual hair twirling and giggling on my part and the usual questions on what I was thinking about and such (briefly) before he ended the trigger. I'm not 100% sure at this point if he pulled the bimbo trigger again. I believe it was the robot trigger he pulled more likely since he had me standing on all four for a moment. I definitely recall him using the trance trigger to have me (blankly and mindlessly I believe he said) what I thought he was up to. Since I had said right after he brought me out of a trigger I knew what he was up to. While he was giving the suggestion I told him how unfair it was. While I was in the middle of saying what I thought he was up to the internet (being a butt on his end) wavered enough to interrupt the connection. Which I was amused at on awakening after technically complying with the suggestion.
     Of course he just used my trance trigger to use the same suggestion again and this time he heard what I thought he was up to. My thoughts being that he was being a tease to get me aroused as he was. Not long after that he dropped me again (I didn't expect it a third time), asked what I wanted to do next and had me reply while I was under. The options were robot brainwashing or the override suggestion, both being good option. I went for the robot brainwashing (didn't have a particular reason why because fractionation was beginning to set in). Once I made my choice he did the usual robot brainwashing set up and had me forget what happened during that trance. Which is always an interesting feeling to be brought out of a trance and not remember what happened (not in a bad way). Of course I asked what did he do and he refused to give me and answer ("shocker"). Then he started the robot brainwashing which caught me unaware since I didn't remember it was going to happen. It only took like 5 phrases or so for me to become completely blank and robotic. In the middle of all these phrases he asked me if it was getting hard to think, if I wanted to think, or if I wanted anything at all (which in that robotic headspace nothing matters but my programming). Pleasure triggering was also involve during this. It probably helped I was already so out of it that being a brat was the last thing on my mind at that point. Then he ended the brainwashing , or so I thought...
     Not long after bring me up he started the robot brainwashing again and since I had just came out of it I automatically repeated what he said without it even registering 100% to me. Then he did the same thing again a third time, I vaguelly remember him saying that I was so spacy that he could say one brainwashing phrase (don't remember what it was completely) and I could be completely back in the robot headspace again. To which I automatically agreed after repeating the phrase without even considering it. He then had me say some more brain washing phrases while having me remove my clothes (piece by piece at his leisure rather than at once). He had me bent over the bed at one point then he had me standing and masturbating  after having cup my boobs again (since I did it before at one point). My hand just moving in automatic motion to comply with the command no more no less. I probably looked quite gone by now. He ended the state not long after that and briefly brought it back again (using the cock simulation mode) so he set up trancing me with his cock. He had say the phrase "I'm a mindless, helpless cock slave." until I came. Upon doing so which given all the teasing he had done by this point that certainly wasn't difficult. Then he dropped me again to do the usual end of scene clean up and brought me back up.
      We spent the rest of the call talking about various stuff comics and knitting related things among other stuff, until he had to leave to adult. Thanks for reading about all the hypno hijinxs, later~


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