It's Certainly Been Awhile..... Again

     So apparently expecting to have more time to engage in hypnokink fun is too much to ask. It's honestly mostly been our schedules not meshing so well at times, which happens. I was just hoping it would be less now but it doesn't look like that'll be the case for now. On the plus side definitely had a good time with yesterday's scene.

     I was half expecting to have to cancel (which has happened before and I hate it) but that luckily wasn't the case. We took a bit to get settled before he started thinking about how to start things. I had mentioned wanting to be a bimbo the day before so I knew what the end goal was likely to be. We had had a few short scenes since now and the last blog post (that I've been too lazy to blog about) but it had been awhile since a typical length scene so he was going to need to go the longish way around to drop me. While we were talking about this I had said (mostly in truth but slightly brattily) that his usual methods weren't going work. Not long after saying that the got this grin on his face which is the signal that he had an idea (which is usually an internal yay and oh crap simultaneously for me lol). Then almost the next thing I know I hear him say "Listen to the sound of my voice and follow along..." (or something along those lines). Which is an effective way for him to start pulling me into a trance likely because of my focus on sounds which is very noticeable when it comes to music related things. 
     Either way the moment he said it was like everything else went out of focus for me. His patter was slightly quicker than what I was use to but not incomprehensible. He used it to quickly have me forget my name which when he asked it I was just repeatedly saying umm. Like I had lost track of a train of thought that I was desperately trying and failing to get back. Then he just smoothly transitioned it to me forgetting that I ever had a name (*didn't realize how hot that was in the moment). I was quite gone by then, since I remember my arms feeling like lead and there was no way I could move them. Plus it was extremely difficult keeping my eyes even halfway open at this point. After this he then suggested I couldn't thing at all which wasn't a stretch of the imagination at this point. I vaguely remember him saying that my mind was malleable and being obedient after that. He then put in the bimbo suggestion noting that it would end once he said release and did the usual making sure that I was okay with the suggestion.
    Following that he brought me back up as a bimbo, to which I immediately started twirling my hair. I know he asked me what I was thinking about and my answer giggles included was sex. My clothes got removed in stages since I remember every time he asked to remove something I said "kay" and giggled in the most vapid way. Then Turq had me play with my boobs and squeeze my nipples which which definitely led to some aroused sounds on my end . He had me say something while I squeezed my boobs together briefly. During all of this I think he asked me what I wanted and I said I don't know (if he had asked later I probably would of asked him to fuck/use me). Then by the time I was pantsless, he had me masturbate and repeatedly say "I don't have a mind I think with my cunt." (or something very close to that). He had me stop after a few repetitions. Of course pleasure triggering was occurring throughout this. Then upon pulling out his cock into my view he had me feel like it was sliding in and out of my mouth (in essence that cock simulation was happening minus the robot headspace). Not long after he had me cum which definitely caused more eyerolls on my part. Then he swiftly dropped me with a sleep command then ended the suggestion and brought me back up again.
     It was safe to say I was a bit spacey once back awake. I managed to get coherent enough to hold a conversation which definitely involved how fun that was. It also involved the upcoming Black Panther movie which we're enjoying the major hype for, welcome to nightvale which we're both behind on and his weekend plans. He did have to leave after a bit because adulting but it was great to not be in a hurry to fit things in (which I've said the times we've discussed the scene). Definitely enjoyed this scene and certainly wouldn't mind doing this again. I probably should return the favor sometime soon (:p). Thanks for reading about all the fun. ~


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