Updates and Whatever

      So first and foremost, hopefully everyone who reads these blog post entries is doing alright given you know ...everyone that's happened. Things still exists but haven't had the time or energy to write about it. Mostly for the obvious reasons.As the so helpfully to the point title states, I'll be giving just general updates and such and discussing some snippets of hot fun that's gone on.

     Basically, it has been a bit of fun times with Turq (slightly less due to life being an ass better than none at all though) and a new person (not new at this point to me but new to you all) named Nolan. Given the proximity of trances getting fuzzy from the distance of when it occurred and me attempting to recall the details the most latest trance with Turq is murky at best. 

     I do recall there was a bit with a new pocket watch (I think), which is almost a hypnokink requirement at this point if not a staple. Either the watch cover wasn't on or it was translucent so it looked different than the usual metallic face covering. I recall my eyes looking at it almost instantaneously out of both reflex and the fact it looked different than the usual. There was a bit of me kneeling naked I think (still forever bad at camera angles given how my lighting is) but the word portion of this is pretty much gone out of my head at the moment. I do remember it was very much hot and a fun time. I know there was the usual call and response involved at some point as well. It was our first skype call in a while so I was happy about it in general. :)

    Thus, with that we gradually became more serious, for lack of a better term in hypno M/s, D/s (both similar to me personally) related things. Obviously not something I'm opposed to (clearly) to the point he got me a day collar. Would of never though of that even remotely happening when I started doing hypnokink with any measure of seriousness. It's hilarious I have two people my head currently who both have a large assortment of partners of varying relationships. Not that I deem it to be unusual, just amused that's happened to me.

      Will possibly write slightly more in depth about fun times with Nolan down the line. Given we've done discord based messaging a good chuck of the time which allows me some record of what the hell happened during scenes. Seeya for now and may 2022 not suck for us all.~


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