In Person Time!

 So I wasn't expecting this to go as planned because when does anything, but had awesome very fractionated time with a certain some which lead to mild chaos ensuing afterwards. Can't wait to hopefully do so again sometime soon. (*fingers crossed)

       To say I was nervous about potentially not being able to see Nolan was an understatement. There were several factors I was pondering over in the back of my mind which given my brain sometimes has a difficult time shutting up for trance to work. Not an all the time occurrence but definitely been known to happen on occasion. Thankfully, everything turned out alright and I got there just about 1pm. He was waiting for me near the entrance so I didn't have to look around for him. I think we talked for a minute then went up to his room.

      Not long after getting there I believe, there was definitely cuddles for a long duration. I hadn't realized how much I wanted cuddles period. (*insert swoons and sighs here)  He put on my collar that I got to see on the previous occasion quickly following that. It was soft with the inner lining yet firmly there. Didn't use the lock with it, however I imagine he'll use it on a future occasion. I swear when he put it on it was like everything kind of snapped into place kind of. I believe the trigger of me getting briefly hazy every time my day collar gets tugged applied to the full on collar. So every time he pulled on it things got fuzzy, which if he pulled a few times in a row the effect compounded. Which if he continued to do so I'd go into a trance and he certainly did do so.

      He did have me get on my knees on the bed at one point. Not certain long following that was him dropping me. I was certainly fractionated or at least approaching it given I did the act before thinking about it. He also (at some nebulous point) toyed with me while having my legs and arms bound hypnotically. Unable to move them and in his lap being teased like a helpless toy. (hnng) I vaguely recall trying to not be too loud given he was briefly coordinated with other friends post seeing me. I certainly was not successful in that I can imagine. I also imagine he enjoyed that bit very much. (:p)

Got to ruffle his hair for a bit in the middle of this. Which was much softer and floofy than I expected for some reason. It was fun to play with (insert dopey grin here) plus just stroking his face which was highly approved of. I recall I was quite easy to drop at this point. Since I remember him dropping me non verbally at least twice. Once. holding on the ring on the collar to use the trigger previously stated, gently swaying it side to side. My eyes immediately rolling to the back of my head and likely seconds later getting nudged onto the bed. Then immediately being brought up with a 5 count. Which certainly in part lead to my brain being absolute mush by the end.

    Time is definitely fuzzy by this portion given cuddles were had for like 20 minutes or so. If my measurement of time is remotely correct. I was certainly fractionated to hell by this point of the visit (which was the point). XD It was during this portion (approximately) He had me mindlessly grind his leg. Which that's certainly came up in conversation on at least a few occasions. So I'm not surprised in retrospect on that happening. Given it was non verbal in the set up, it didn't click that's what he wanted me to do at first. Plus me putting 2 and 2 together by that point would of been a laborious task at best. I wasn't really thinking (clearly) as I was vacantly grinding on his leg, my face mildly smooshed into his shoulder just doing. 

Pretty sure the leg grinding didn't last long, then slightly more snuggling. Then we after he took off my collar which I got accustom to wearing by that point. Likely the being very out of it helped with that. There was hydration had by all and we talked a bit before we left to the mall. Which despite the issue of me forgetting my glasses there (*headdesk) was an awesome time. It certainly was a first for me to be so fractionated that I forgot them. But that was quickly resolved and I went on my way home. 

(To note he helped my write this given my order of details were questionable in parts for obvious reasons... ) So that was in person time with the boyfriend, hope to write about further adventures down the line.~



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