Morning play

     My brain is no longer in the a post play haze since I'm posting this hours after it happened (due to my phone not being adequate for blogging )

 Although we usually do play in the morning anyway today was different because it's a Tuesday. We don't often play or just Skype on a Tuesday in general which makes it all the more fun (along with the fact we didn't have our usual Friday play because of other stuff). :) It took a little while since he was still slightly sleepy, which was adorable (also I kept teasing him about taking his blankets while we talked today). It's always amusing to see him hiding under his blankets, which he was today of course (with only a part of his head peeking out jokingly at one point *giggles).
    With an amusing moment of that he pleasure triggered me and I immediately said why to which he just chuckled :p. Then he just dropped me with the trance trigger and deepened the trance before I even had a thought about what was going on. I remember the deepener going on for a minute or two since I recall slowly slumping forward very relaxed. Then when I was sufficiently under he said that we'd be doing the brainwashing idea again but this time the goal was being a robot not a bimbo(I was so under at that point I didn't have a thought on that information). So he had me focus on his voice with my eyes closed (*squeaks ^^) having me unable not to listen and take in to what he said. What he said were phrases which when repeated by me would cause me to become increasingly more of a robot. 
    In the middle of the brainwashing while I had my eyes closed, he told me to sit up straight (I was still slumped forward completely relaxed). Reminding me that is become more robot like as I kept repeating the phrases he said. Phrases such as "My body belongs to him" *also not sure if that's the exact phrase*  (this came before or after I opened my eyes....I think) mixed in the usual phrases like "I am programmed to suck cock" and "I do not think " (which I've noticed always seems to immediately stop whatever thoughts are going in in my head, if their are any by that point). The one phrase that made me want to giggle was "I am a blowjob machine" (which was a first). After a bit of that he counted me up to wake up (not completely but to about to acting on a trigger level of awareness) as a robot.
    This soon lead me to be told to stand up by him. Which had me scooting to edge of my bed from the middle (which was highly noticeable to me since in the headspace I usually prefer minimalistic movements). Turq then had me take off my shirt then ordered me to kneel. That's an interesting action to do in that state kneeling, mostly (in my case anyway) since you're aware of the amount of movement needed to do that specific action. In any other trigger the amount of movement to complete an action isn't something I pick up. So it's interesting to pick up on those sort of details while as a robot. While kneeling my bra came off and more phrases were said along with turning my arousal to a3 right before having me repeat said phrases. 
     It was about here if not before that Turq introduced of using third person speech while repeating these phrases.  So instead of "I'm a robotic whore" for example it's "This unit/she/her is a robotic whore". It gave me pause for a second since I don't think we've done third person speech with this state before. I noticed I used this unit mostly as a replacement but I did use she or her once. I liked doing it since it was new for this state, if certainly do that again. This continued after he had me stand up again after kneeling. Then I took off what I had left on this point because he told me to (just my panties since I wasn't fully dressed to begun with).  Shortly after that he had me move the tablet I was using for Skype up and down the front side of my body to see my lack of clothing (*chuckles) Then he had my spread my legs then stroke my clit and then after he put that in motion he had me say phrases (while still stroking my clit and my arousal turned up to a5). After a moment of this he told me to cum while I was still standing (which I did and my legs shook a bit during that orgasm).
    I was brought all the way up this time, which was weird since that usually doesn't happen while I'm standing up. I sat down and lounged around on the bed to get my head back from being a bit spacy. Turq told me that was when I was quite more adorable and cuddly than usual (^^ which I didn't realize at all).  Along with him telling me how he liked seeing me naked (as usual as I enjoy seeing him naked). He got undressed himself (not that he was clothed much to begin with) and started toying with his cock teasingly which I said wasn't helping in that front. Not that I was complaining . our wasn't having any ideas of my own. ;) At least this time I got a good clear view.He mentioned the fact he would of gotten me under the covers if I was there which I certainly would enjoy. :) We then talked, mewed and poked each other until we both had to get off to do stuff (him more immediately so than me). I had a bit of a high afterwards (which was quite awesome) which lasted for a few hours instead of the crash that seems to become a thing in some of the last few scenes we've done. 
    Hope you enjoy the read. ~ ^^


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