Short but quite fun ^^

     So with life currently being a slight bit miserly on time, there's a little less time to do fun things but we certainly manage fit things in. *chuckles The fun for today (after the usual ask of if i wanted something) started with the body slave trigger being used to have me move my arms up out in front of me then behind my back. Of course I asked why he did that after he released me and as I should of expected he replied "because I could.." His voice sounded amusingly befuddled at why I was asking that question. I swear no matter how many times he does this I have ask even if I already know the answer. 
    Then he dropped me with the trance trigger (which had me wondering what was going on since it usually leads to something being planned as my blog has proven).  When he had me focus on his voice and that it was going to be the most irresistible thing I've ever heard it dawned on me what was going on. I had written an idea in the entry right before this one on having me focus on his voice (which is a major button for me it's probably in relation to my love of music) and outlining what to do afterwards with some flexibility. I was quite deeply under at this point (which wasn't long into it I'm certain) and couldn't even say my realization (not that it was necessary). He went into since that his voice was so irresistible that whatever he said I be compelled to repeat it no matter how hard I'd try to resist (not that I did much I think probably since I was so deep that doing that in anyway other than pausing was quite an effort). I do wish I could of put up a bit more of a resistance (which is kind of hard because I get all docile in trance) since where's the fun in making it easy for him all the time. ;)
     This lead into phrases being repeated back and forth while I was deeply entranced (brainwashing as he likes to call it which does show his mad scientist side which I recall he has an interest with that now I think about it). All those phrases I was compelled into saying were becoming true until the scene was over. Phrases involving things like I wanted to wrap my lips around his cock (which I did and the mental picture of that playing in my head a little didn't help), him being my Master, bimbo related matters like being his personal plaything, horny, hot and wet for him and his slut (you know the usual stuff *chuckles). The one about my cunt (in relation of being hot and wet for him I think) was a new one and certainly adds to the degradation part of our play in that which I liked (no he didn't call me that since that would piss me off which I figure he knows). I know I smiled at the phrases I really liked and I'm usually quite expressive especially so in a trance so I made faces of some sort with all of them.
    After a little bit of that he had me "wake up" as what those phrases programmed me to be at the moment. What specifically is a horny mindless cock focused submissive bimbo which was awesome. I of course twirled my hair a lot and when he asked me what I was thinking about I said about sucking his cock. When he asked if I was thinking about anything else I said something along the lines of I don't know which I didn't at that moment. I was more focused mentally on being horny but wanting to please him as well (which he played on a little later). The one thing I didn't noticed until afterwards was that I hadn't touched my boobs at all until he told me told to. Which was slightly odd since while as a bimbo I usually make a beeline for playing with them but I figure my submissiveness was more prominent than I realized then and I probably wanted to be told what to do. 
     My clothes of course came off during this time (I had put on an undershirt mostly because I didn't want to make it easy for him to see my boobs because I'm a brat ^^) and I was eventually kneeling while the bra came off. I remember that distinctly because it was being annoying and wasn't coming off plus the fact I like kneeling when I'm feeling submissive. Shortly after I was told lie back on my bed which I did. Right after that is a bit fuzzy so I'm guessing more teasing happened. Then he had me get on all fours and asked me if I was going to be a good girl to which I brattily said maybe. He responded by turning up my arousal all the way and asking about if I wanted to please him (which I of course said I did). That basically removed my ability to be even a little bratty with this two major buttons pushed. I remember him saying some other things like him asking who owns my body (I think that's how he phrased it), which I did he did then telling me to cum (I did, quite hard). During all that he deliberately stretched out calling me a good girl (pleasure trigger) to see the effect I imagine. Considering I was hanging off every word he said it was unfair. :p
   I ended up kneeling again after that and then he finally told me to play with my nipples (no complaints here lol).  That when on (not that i was even remotely aware of time at this point) until he told me to squeeze them hard then cum (which was super hot).  I had the after thought of the fact I could only use one hand because the other was holding the tablet. He completely woke me up after that and we talked after my head was completely back together. I was a bit annoyed I couldn't cuddle him at that moment since I really wanted to but i still had his company so I wasn't annoyed for long.  We both wanted to play a bit longer but time had other things in mind. We talked until he had to leave instead since because about what he said the last time about not wanting to possibly leave me all spacy which does take me a bit of time to get over. Especially when I went as deep as I did today. I do wish I was a slightly a bit more bratty so he might of had me pull my hair which is hot but I bet he's saving that. There's always text play on the weekend if we're both up to it anyway. 
 Hope you enjoy reading about the scene. Later ~


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