More bimbo play ^^ (with some new stuff)

Randomly doing new things is always fun, especially so when they're kink related. :)  Also I've gone to making up my own words again, which I'm assuming is a usual thing on my blog. *chuckles
     This is another text play post since Skype hasn't been in our favor much....(again). (This was before the latest skyping post)However this text scene didn't save so this is like playing on Skype because I have to rely on my memory. Text play is also fun so no complaints with that. Also getting to do a scene with some else subbing with you over text makes it fun as well. Especially when that someone else is a person your Dom introduced you to on the hunch you would click. Which he was quite right on, I think it's in part we have similar personalities. *chuckles  Also she has quite the adorable personality.
      Unlike when we Skype, it was the middle of the night when Turq decided (with a slight bit of pleading from me lol) that we could do a little scene together. It had to be little since he had to be somewhere in the morning. She had been messing with me a little bit as it was. Apparently my subbiness encouraged on a bit of top from her. That's a bit amusing considering I've happened on my own possible switchness in certain conditions. (This sentence was unintentional foreboding on my part look)
     Anyway when we finally settled into the group chat app I started with being a brat. I'm so use to it being him and I when we play which is always fun. So at the random opportunity of having someone else (who he introduced me to on the correct hunch we would like each other) play with us was fun. When we got started he used both out bimbo triggers and that lead to a lot of giggling on my part. It also created a juxtaposition of my increasingly less talking and her verbose tenancies.
    I recall him encouraging us to (and before you get any ideas we're both bisexual so it was nothing we were adverse to) play with each other physically like with each other's boobs. We mutually got distracted by each other definitely I was by her since that created more options for than normal during a scene. It got super hot especially with the moment of him pulling our hair to have us to kneel before him. He also mentioned having us simultaneity sucking his cock after the hair pulling. (*gets a bit distracted by the thought of that) Although I wasn't as verbal in my head I was thinking of and wanted a lot of sex just with one more person than a typical scene. ^^
       After he released us from our trigger there was mention of her and I getting distracted by each other for a moment. I hadn't expected that would occur as much as it did beforehand but neither of us were complaining afterwards. :D Then when the conversation presented n opening I noticed right as he started a non instant induction since I'm relatively familiar with the language he uses during it. Not that I could even consider resisting even though I was aware of what was hearkening. By the end of it he made us both blank and then had us repeat phrases he tells us. (*wishes I could recall what they were) It was interesting and renforced my own submission having someone else obeying along with me. This is one of those scenes we really need to do in person eventually...
     He brought us back up again after having us at his whim for a bit. Mostly because he had stuff to do in the morning so he was going have to actually sleep for once. :p We talked a little more then left her and I to have some more fun of our own. I don't think we did a lot but it was certainly fun I recall. I eventually got some sleep myself since I'm not to most people with a lack of sleep. With this I'll finish this post for now until I write on the  foreshadowing mentioned in this post sooner or later. ^^ Hope you enjoy the read. Later ~:)


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