Newest scene idea acted on

    Today was another moment of unexpectedly getting play time apparently (which is awesome). It also meant we finally got to try the new idea I mentioned but didn't elaborate on in a previous post. I just knew what the general idea was (since I thought of that randomly) and he offered to keep enough of the details of how he'll go about my idea a secret (due to my enjoyment of unexpected things at times when it come to our scenes). I was quite good with that (and my curiosity on it popped up on occasions when he was plotting it out). Then we couldn't get to do it the day we thought we would last week for a good reason on my end but it worked out with us getting mutual free time today instead. :D Without further ado let's get to the idea and the scene it resulted in.
     My Dom and I were mutually excited about this scene since the premiss of it was for him to already have control of my body and then take control of my mind. I had the idea not long after he used the body slave trigger and had me then take two steps. He said he did that to demonstrate his control (:P) and that he likes micromanaging movement to emphasize on that control (I think..). That led to me thinking of him basically have a scene which uses the body slave trigger to control my body but not my mind. Then he would have to think of a way to take control of my mind while I'm resisting him (other than using another trigger since that would be too easy). To a degree it's basically an Mcstory which is unintentionally awesome. It was also safe to say I was definitely going to crash because I was going to be puddle after that. I was so right. *chuckles
    Taking the opportunity while it was there (since we haven't gotten as much skyping opportunities as we're typically use to) he called me over skype. After having a moment to get comfortable and brat at him, he asked if I wanted to try the the hot idea we've waiting to use. Of course I said yes and a moment after I agreed, he dropped me with the trance trigger.  I hadn't expected him to drop me (even though I didn't know the details of what he was planning to do) so I dropped relatively hard. He said that like the body slave trigger my body would be under his control. Also that he would say the word slave followed by a sentence.That sentence I would have to repeat even if I tried to resist. (the way he phrased it makes me think he used a part of my own script I'm currently writing against me.. no fair! :p). Repeating that sentence will cause me to become horny and lose a bit of my will and thoughts. Then the connection on his end did that weird sound meaning his connection was being weird...
      I woke back up when I heard the call hang up and he texted me to let me know that his connected dropped out. Then a moment later Skyped called me back again. He dropped me back down again after asking if I was fine (I was, just a tiny bit hazy). He went back to setting up the scene by saying it would end when he said the word release. Also that if I was uncomfortable with anything he said or wanted to stop I could safeword or indicate wanting to stop in anyway. Then he brought me back up again. 
    It took me a second to readjust since I had dropped quite a bit that second time too. He then asked in a slightly sarcastic/mocking tone if I had trouble moving. I replied (knowing he knew I was) brattily a little bit. He chuckled amused at my answer then had me take off my shirt. I tried to resist which he asked about and I told him I was but it wasn't really working. That also amused him and I imagine I probably made a face at him for that. Then he had me take off my undershirt (to which I said really? even though I was expecting it). I asked him sarcastically if he was happy now once I was done. I think he said he was and something else I'm not 100% sure... He had me present my boobs (I noticed my body was stuck that way once I did that making me realize the lack of control I had physically) and said "slave your tits are mine" along with "slave your tits are mine to fuck" and other phrase I can't recall involving my boobs. I tried to fight saying the first sentence for a moment. It was so hard since I had the constant nagging feeling I needing to say it. Then I said it and I got a wave of arousal, for lack of a better way to describe it. I still resisted with those two sentences but a little less so and got more aroused after saying them.
     He noted I was getting aroused and I sarcastically asked what was his first clue. He answered acting as if I really asking how he knew even though he knew I wasn't. He had me stand after that and remove my shorts then my panties. Now he had me completely naked. Instead of having me kneel like he typically does, he instead had me spread my vagina open and had me place my tablet in view of it. He used the pleasure trigger on me along with have me tell him my cunt was his, it was hot and wet for him and it was his to use. I wasn't really thinking at this point since I was quite horny. Then he had me kneel, which I did without thought.                                                                                                                    I remember I was still trying to resist repeating what he said even while kneeling naked with my legs spread. Not that it resulted in anything other than being immensely turned on when I said what I was told to say. He had say that he owned my mouth, that it belonged around his cock, that he was my Master plus that he controlled and owned my body. By the time he got there I was quite out of it. I realized I was staring ahead blankly, so wet and unable to think at one point. Before that I stuck my tongue out at him which took a lot of effort at that point (which he said ignored since he knew he was winning). I managed to momentarily refocus my attention to look at him but nothing else. He then told me to masturbate and I remember I was moaning since I finally felt how wet I was by then and that probably turned me on even more.                                    So I was completely wrapped up in how horny I was I got mixed up in repeating what he says for a moment (which was something that has never happened before). But I remember my hair was in front of my face yet not caring which is not typical for me (but shows I was quite out of it by then). By the time he had me say he control and owned my body and mind I was repeating what he told me without hesitation. A moment after that he finally let me cum and I did quite hard. Then he ended the scene after I stopped cumming.                                                                                        It took me a moment to get up since I felt like I lost a bit of energy after that. I was quite hazy and apparently I must have looked it too since he dropped me in trance for a moment to help me back up a bit more. I'm glad he did since I was probably going to be out of it for a while if he didn't. Also even with that intervention I still had the everything is wonderful feeling I get after having an awesome scene (which we both said was interesting). It was nice to have it without being partially incoherent (which I am usually am for indeterminate period of time). I also was quite in a snuggly mood which is usual for me. I could tell after that scene he got immensely turned on as well (and he dealt with it by cumming himself) which made me a bit turned on again since I was watching.                                                                                                                    After getting settled again we then talked about things, on my part slightly random like the shirt I had gotten (since I have a love of plaid button up shirts). He listened and talked about the transformer Sideswipe he was holding which I asked about (since relatively close to the camera it looks massive). Along with discussing upcoming things in the Ms. Marvel comics which we both love and I can't wait to read the newest issues. Also the randomness of the fried chicken mention in that Train song, which will continue to be the most baffling thing ever. A while after discussing these and other things (like randomly hearing Rude by Magic! getting the most hilarious reaction from someone he was in company of that day and things about the Nightvale podcasts) he has to eventually get to work. This was not before mentioning how he enjoyed seeing me naked (which made me want to blush but I can't so I giggled while grinning happily) and I told him I enjoyed seeing him naked too (which I definitely did). This pretty much ends the fun story for toda y. Hope you enjoy reading it. Later ~ :)


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