Mcstory part 4

Well good news, I finally came up with a working title for this story. I won't be using it on here sonce I'm lazy and don't feel like renaming the other parts. But whenever I submit it to Mcstory it will be there.

    "We both know you sticking your tongue out at me won't do you any good." He said looking straight down at her. 
"I know but we both know I'm not one to give up easily." She replied appearing to him to enjoy the fun of challenging him a little.
"Sit up and take off your shirt." Intentionally changing the playfully tone to his voice to commanding. "After all I want to enjoy those breasts of yours... Although they're mine for the moment isn't that right?"
 The sight of her with a slightly surprised expression sitting up and automatically unbuttoning then removing her shirt with no ability to resist was quite hot. When she finished removing her shirt, he lightly moved her chin to direct her eyes to look at him. Her eyes looked at him distracted mentally by the gesture which he was aware is a weakness of hers. After a moment of staring back at him  wordlessly she finally managed the effort to glare at him. Leaving her still in her bra and other clothing minus the shoes, he closed the distance between the two of them.
     "Put your hands behind your head." he said with a mischievous look on his face. He then slid his hand teasingly over her nipples. Even with her bra on it made her feel like squirming a little bit.
She felt herself slipping slightly into her submissive headspace with the lack of physical control. I hate when he uses my weaknesses against me.... Of course it wouldn't be as fun if he didn't... she thought. She then heard him say "I could play with your breasts until you came and leave you completely unable to do anything..... But since we don't have all day how about max arousal then?" The moment she heard that, a moan escaped from my mouth as her arousal shot up to highest it can be without orgasming. The fact she couldn't even touch herself since her hands were still stuck behind her head made it all the more maddening. It didn't help it made it harder to think about much of anything....
     "A little frustrated now are you?" he asked pretending to be unaware of the situation. She growled with some effort "What do you think?" knowing full well he knew what he was doing to her. Ignoring the question he said while going to the other side of the room to retrieve something "Put your hands back to your sides." She sighed softly as she did. It was a small victory since she still couldn't do anything other than sit there incredibly aroused. "Remove your pants then kneel." he commanded walking back to where she was now mindlessly removing her pants with something in his right hand. As he got back to where he was standing before, he watched her place the blue jeans she had been wearing relatively neatly on the bed then kneel. Her breathing heavy as she was still highly aroused and her eyes fixed at a distant point.
  "Now my little toy I have a favorite thing you enjoy wearing for me at times." As he said this he revealed the dark green play collar she wore which also acted as a trigger for her to be his slave when wearing it. "As you know already" he continued, "when I put this on you, you'll become my helping, blank, docile, obedient slave. Isn't that right?" An almost desperate sounding yes escaped her lips in response. "You're already blank and obedient from being so horny for me so this won't be much of a difference for you." He petted her head for a moment affectionately then put the collar around her neck and fastened it comfortably around her neck. 
With that I'll end part 4 of this story. Hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to part 5. :) later~


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