Skype fun and slight mishaps~

    We finally got to skype again and he had his way with me as usual (shocking I know lol). I never stop getting surprised over how easily at times he can just have me wrapped around his finger. Not that I'm even remotely complaining since after all it's fun being mindlessly docile.

   Timing managed to work out today in the way of my availability to skype. I didn't even realize that I had it at first mostly due to the lack of sleep on my part. I wondered how I was even functioning on such little sleep (a sentiment my dom agreed to). After getting set and a moment of poking and giggling, we started by him pulling the robot trigger on me. I automatically responded verbally to the trigger and then he told me to kneel which I did. While kneeling I think I might have swiped the screen and my side of the skype feed disappeared. This lead to me waking up immediately and a bit of repeated skype tag to make it reappear (to our mutual frustration). Then to me switching to my laptop for a moment to restart the tablet (which fixed the problem).  
     While waiting for the tablet to restart, he decided to make me a robot again and have me repeat phrases for a bit. In between phrases he turned up my arousal and he used the cock simulation mode which I had forgotten how hot it was. After that he brought me back up again and I tried the tablet again (which finally got back in working order). We switched the call back to the tablet after i took a short break since my brain has been slightly crashed and made sure not to do whatever I did that messed up the feed in the first place. We got back to our scene, which proceeded with him pulling the bimbo trigger. I immediately started giggling of course and he asked what I was thinking about. It's his favorite question when I'm a bimbo which isn't surprising. I used my limited vocabulary to say that doing this while my hair was part blond was funny. During all this I was twirling my hair a lot and I managed to brat a little when he asked a question and said maybe. He asked jokingly if I had an objection and I asked what's an objection. He answered amused that it was something I probably didn't have. He teased me more along with pleasure triggered me making thinking harder than it was already was.
    Then he brought me back up again and I made a face at him in response since he gotten me increasing close to cumming twice already then stopped. I knew he did it on purpose to tease me. (I remember I think when I was a bimbo he had my spread my legs, open my mouth and cum in that position so i could be wrong about not cumming yet). Not long after that he dropped me again this time with the trance trigger. I remember after deepening me a little he asked if I was enjoying this. This being eyes closed deeply entranced, docile and obedient. To which I said yes and I must have made a face at some point before or after since he asked if I needed to wake up which I replied no. He moved on to having me repeat phrases he said would deepening my trance and make me more aroused. He used some new phrases here  including "I'm a very good girl.", " My will is completely gone.", and "Cannot think." At one point I remember not wanting to talk since I was deep but wanted to do as he said more. He eventually had me stop repeating then said basically when he woke me up those sentences I said before would be true until he said release. He then brought me back up again.
     I of course wasn't completely awake since I was now in my slave state. If I didn't know that from those phrases what he asked after i was awake. He asked me if he controlled me completely. I of course said yes and when I said that he asked yes what (I love when he says that). By that point I knew he was control here and that I was to address him properly. So I replied yes Master. He knew he had me then and asked questions like where did my mouth belong. I answered without hesitation around his cock. I think I was biting my lip a bit and  he mentioned that I must have wanted to suck his cock. Which I agreed with since the thought of pleasuring him made me feel good.  
     He had me kneel again after this then remove my dress. Unexpectedly he had me stand again then spread my legs. Then he told me to sit back on the bed along with cup my boob them squeeze my nipple. I really wanted to play with myself more but that thought got pushed in part because he didn't tell me to do so. The other reason being he asked me if I wanted to see his cock. That got a yes please Master from me instantly. Then he said when he did pull his cock out my attention would be completely drawn to it....  
     Then I got woken from trance by my phone vibrating from a call which I quickly took. Having dealt with it, he brought my attention back by saying I found myself going back into the state I was just in. In fact when I saw his cock I'd drop even deeper and it would have my complete attention. When he removed his boxers whatever was left off my brain shut off all I wanted right then was to be pleasuring his cock for him. That was likely my submissiveness talking. While he was pleasuring himself he instructed me that when he orgasmed so would I. I started to play with myself without thinking while watching him work his way to an orgasm. I heard him pleasure triggering me while he did that which made it impossible not to touch myself. Then he orgasmed and i basically started squeaking soon after as mine hit. Not long after he brought me back up again.
     My brain was definitely crashed by then. I took a moment to lounge and get my head back together while he talked about things like the D & D handbook he had been talking about the other day. After a moment of this he dropped me into a trance to make sure all the suggestions were gone and I was back to normal. We did more talking and snuggling after that. He had an adorable moment right before we had to end the call of stretching and laughing probably because I looked at him amused. Right after that we had to hang up but still talked over im until he had to go. This was really fun and I hope you enjoy reading it. Later ~


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