Got some very awesome scene time in ^^

Yeah it finally happened again. You are all well aware this year has not the greatest for skype time with us for certain reasons. It happens obviously but it sucks when that happens quite a bit frequently at times. But with the upcoming in person visit coming up soon, that will be something to look forward too. Also hopefully more Skype time possibly in the cards.

    Sunday went quite well timing wise since he showed up right when Skype availability on my part was about to happen. A little while later as we got on to actually skyping he asked if we should get right to it. Of course I said yes.^^ He then immediately dropped me with the trance trigger. He then started to bring back the suggestion of brainwashing by repeating what he said. That's a fun suggestion, especially since (as you're well aware by now) he's very awesome at coming up with phrases. As soon as he deepened me enough (then made it so that it would end when he said revert and I could wake up any time if need be) and did the usual asking of if I was okay with the suggestion he started with the phrases. Phrases included the usual "I have no will.", "My mouth belong around your cock.","You are my Master and owner." (I never get tired of that one) and "Your tits are mine to fuck.". 
     After a while of this, he stopped and brought me back up as his bimbo sex slave (which is still an interesting combination). He of course, had me remove my clothes slowly (^^). The last bit after kneeling for a bit (I think). After having me standing completely naked he then had me bend over the edge of my bed. He told me to masturbate while he was saying things. I was more sensitive than usual so every motion while doing so was like fireworks (since there's a lack of a better non clichéd word). Following a moment of this he asked me if I wanted to cum. I begged him for a moment (I'm honestly surprised I could put together a full sentence then). He paused for a moment pleased with my begging (I remember him pleasure triggering/praising me for it). Then he told me cum which I did rather hard I think. 
      After I finished he said revert. I was out of it for a while. He probably expected it or I must have looked it too since when he woke me up he told me to lay down in my bed for a moment. We spent the time talking about stuff mainly the hilarious comic atomic robo I believe. I finally got to be mostly coherent again he asked if I wanted to play some more. I gladly agreed to that ("shocker" I know lol).
     He dropped me again after I agreed. He made it so I'd flash my breasts at him (since I had partially dressed again by then) every time he said the word bimbo. Not only that but until he said the word remember I wouldn't know I was flashing him out that he gave the suggestion at all. After he made sure I got and liked the suggestion (even though it had been my idea from a random discussion) he brought me back up. I was confused when I was brought out of it at first. I had the feeling that I had missed something which I usual do when he has me temporarily forget something.
     He then proceeded to tease me by talking about what I liked about being a bimbo. As you can presume based on that I was flashing him a bit. Even though I saw it ,since you can see yourself on the smaller of the two video screens on the tablet, it didn't register in my head what I was doing. Even after he had me realize what I was doing the response to the word bimbo was still automatic. He then pulled the bimbo trigger on me . So I was a bimbo who flashed him every time I said the word bimbo. 
     After toying with me like this a bit he brought me out of the trigger but then had me become his cock slave by looking at his cock. I was a bit fractionated by this point and was easily transfixed by his cock at his suggestion. I wanted to suck him off while I stared (especially since he has me say a few phrases including that). He had me cum again one last time. He then dropped me again to remove any temporary suggestions made that day and brought me back up to normal.
     We spent the rest of the skyping time talking about things including the long awaited end of this first arc of Ms. Marvel. I really can't wait to sea how it ends. Also more well deserved talk about atomic robo ^^. He eventually had to go off and do stuff and we ended the conversion. I'll end the entry here. Hope you enjoyed the read. Later ~ ^^ 


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