Video chatting over yahoo

    With it being less than a week until we get more in person time (yeah I forgot to mention here I think) you'd think having our usual fun over video would pale in comparison. Nope that's not even remotely the case if today is any example. *chuckles

    For once I was the one on later than usual today. I had thought he was going to be on late considering when we both went to sleep. We talked about the latest story he's been working. That lead to robotification being mentioned (specifically the lack of talkativeness on my part). But the non chattiness of being a robot is not an unusual thing. I only noticed the difference for story related reasons. After that, I was being a little bit bratty and poking him and stuff. He noticed amused and asked if I was hoping to play. I jokingly said maybe continuing the brattiness. 
    Then he pulled the bimbo trigger on me. I immediately got wet at the use of the trigger (as I guessed later that by now I associate being aroused with being a bimbo). I immediately mentioned it highly amused since I giggle a lot as a bimbo. He approved of course, although was slightly surprised (although it reads slightly mocking now that I think about it) that I was aroused already. He asked as usual what I was thinking and I said basically I wanted to be more horny and stuff. *chuckles He then asked if I "want to be a good wet horny fucktoy?" I of course said yes to that. He obliged by pleasure triggering me and turning my arousal all the way up to a5. Thinking wasn't even an option at this point. Even with how horny I was I basically asked to play with my boobs (which he's already said I don't have to but I feel like I should). 
     Of course he said I could but I was still so horny. He pleasure triggered me some more which didn't help with how wet I was. The thing is, I wanted him to tease me a bit while I was like this. I've probably come to expect this by now as you can tell based on reading this blog lol. So this is why when he asked if I wanted to cum after more pleasure triggering I said I wasn't sure. That answer amused him since I usually say yes when he asks that. He then asked if I was too stupid to think, I said "thats smart people stuff its super hard". He told me I was his "ditzy brainless airhead dumb, stupid, and horny" which I liked a lot. Then he told me to cum which I did and he brought me back up.
     I was back to being relatively coherent quickly and told him that I had wanted to be teased a bit. I remembered after a moment that I had asked about trying video call from yahoo. I kind of wanted to play some more but I also wanted to see if it worked. It did after a few moments although as I remarked later on his end his video looked like when they added sound to black and white movie. I think it might have been just yahoo or the lighting. Anyway (with slight sound difficulties on my end at times) we continued playing via yahoo video. He thought for a moment and right before he pulled the next trigger he did that telling evil chuckle. 
    Then he used the robot trigger which I hadn't expected even though it had been mentioned earlier. I found myself sinking back into the familiar headspace. Amusingly he had me flash my boobs at him while a robot which was interesting. He had me go into programming mode and had me repeat phrases. He didn't use sexbot mode so the absence of arousal which I knew was suppose to be there was interesting. He also had me put my hands behind my head then out in front of me for a moment while saying some phrases including I am a whore and I am a mindless fuckdoll. I think he had me flash him again then ended that part. 
      I was beginning to feel fractionated by this point since I was feeling slightly hazy waking up. I don't think the haze had completely cleared before he used  bimbo trigger again. I immediately started giggling again. He asked me if taking of my clothes was possible today. I said it was and he had me take off my shirt and undershirt this leaving me naked from the waist up. He then had me present my boobs to the camera then masturbate after teasing me a bit about how I wanted his cock between my boobs and such. I was so tempted to play with my boobs when he me present them to him. 
     By the time he told me to masturbate I was so wet and blank (mmmmmm). While I was still masterbating he told me whatever he said that I'd reply I'm a stupid, dumb bimbo (I think that's the phrase). So he basically said things including Why are you wet? and Why can you cum only when I tell you to?. While I was answering the same way that I wasn't even thinking about anything. I think my eyes might have rolled to the back of my head for a brief second. That latter question was the last question he asked before he had me cum again. I came so hard my hands had clenched (which has never happened before). Then he brought me back up again.
     We ended the video call not long after that because of sound issues because my lack of proper headphones at the moment. Switching back to im there were more snuggles and some discussion about it. Along with talking about things like the next arc of Ms. Marvel. I'm so happy she's an avenger now and apparently blogged about it which I can't wait to read. :) There's also the new avengers comics which have been good so far. After talking about these he had to go and do stuff and ended the awesome conversation. With that I'll end this entry. Enjoy the read. Later ~


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