Another possible play idea

     The best ideas seem to come to me at random. I've probably said this before but I'm always surprised when an idea suddenly comes up during something not even related the idea. It's still kind of weird but it works. This one as the title says, is a play idea which happened in the middle of a conversation  about something I don't even remember at the moment. The idea is to combine robot headspace with bimbo headspace. After mentioning it and discussing it to Turq a little I realized that it wasn't a new idea for him anyway since Daja had done something similar before becoming disinterested in bimbo play all together. My perception of it would be somewhat different considering how bimbo play has went from funishment to something really enjoyable. Mostly since I'm usually too horny to know how stupid I'm being lol.
     I think my reason for wanting to combine these two seemingly different headspaces is the juxtaposition of it. Since being a bimbo for me involves not thinking due to the lack of brain power via being more focused on sex and being horny. The robot headspace for me has a lack of thinking due to waiting for programming or any kind of order to be given in order to proceed as told. The weird thing I think I'm somewhat self conscious based on the lack of talking I do in either state unless given something to say for the most part. In the bimbo headpsace I have a reason not to talk especially when he messes with my arousal making anything else requiring thinking more difficult to accomplish. In the root headspace at times when he activates a mode like sexbot mode or programming mode I'm usually tempted to say said mode is activated but actively stop myself for some reason. I feel it's because I don't want to seem like I'm talking too much or something. 
     I feel this mostly applies to cam over text play since he can see me over cam making me feel like saying anything in relation to that more redundant or something. I figure he'd say that it's fine but the self consciousness is what's stopping me I guess. As for how to go about it would be a more monotoned voice and stilted mannerisms version of being a bimbo. Balancing the bimbo valley girl voice I have with a relatively monotoned voice as a robot (I'm trying to work on that) is an interesting challenge. As for what I can do I imagine it could be the typical bimbo things just more exaggerated or during certain points of a scene would switch between bimbo mode and regular robot headspace.  This definitely will be talked out and planned with Turq before using it in a scene which we're both interested in doing. Not that he's lacking in things to choose from ti do with me (:p). I think this ends this post for now. hope this gives other people ideas. ^^~ (Also he had asked me about what I would find to be sexy to wear and I just have the idea of knee high socks just now randomly........>>)


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