Got to have some fun today ^^

      Today was a relatively short scene today because he didn't have much time before having to be all productive and stuff. It was still awesome based on an idea rementioned last night after we both forgot about it.
      Being up before he was as usual (for the most part) I waited around until he was up and ready to do stuff. It didn't take too long for that to happen (^^). So we got set up and a bit of poking on my part (shocker I know). Following a bit of that brattiness, he started messing with my arousal putting it up to a4 immediately. I immediately said to him probably sounding slightly sarcastic of course. I then commented that he must not be in a hurry if he didn't put it up to a5. He proceeded to use the body slave trigger to get me to first open my mouth wide for a moment. Then he had me say "I'm a helpless horny cockslut." and stuck my tongue out at him right after that. 
     He then released me from the trigger but my arousal was still up at a4. Then he said that he could increase my arousal if he wanted to and did not long after my comment. Now leaving me up at a5 and pleasure triggering me through out he asked me if I wanted to cum yet. Even with all his teasing I didn't and said so which he thanked me for (which he usually does whenever I let him know things while playing). He pulled the body slave trigger again and had me remove my shirt and undershirt (then ending the body slave trigger again). I was also not surprised by this either (I think I mentioned that too). 
     He pulled the trance trigger which I hadn't expected and (not sure if he saw my reaction) my eyes rolled slightly upwards while my eyes closed. This lead to the suggestions being placed about being still being horny as I was just before. Along with being more sexually open, sexually aggressive and unfiltered while being brainwashing into being a slut (which was my idea). After asking me if I was okay with these suggestions as usual, he brought me back up. Not long after the phrases started I was already playing with my boobs.The phrases were all in the third person including "This slut wants to be used.","This slut wants cock.", "This slut wants cunt.","This slut wants to suck other girls boobs and nipples." and things like that. As I was saying these things I was practically humping the edge of the bed and getting hard to think about anything other than just sex. It's different from being a bimbo because I'm not being stupid and giggly (just pretty much consumed with wanting sex with whoever was there).
      I remember at one point he asked if I had a preference (how I'd be used) and I didn't (I think he pleasure triggered me for that answer). I remember just nodding my head  in agreement and saying uh huh to some things he said  because I was just so aroused  focusing enough to talk was difficult task. By the end my eyes were still open but I wasn't really seeing anything going on in front of me. It all literally just a blur even with my glasses on. I imagine my eyes must have looked vacant and unfocused at this point (since I feel I was fighting slightly to keep my eyes open). He asked me again if I wanted to cum which I said I did. After the briefest of pauses he told me to cum, then cum again just as I was coming down from the orgasm and then again at the same time. He asked me if I wanted more when I came down for the third one and I said yes. He had me cum for a fourth time in a row. Turq asked again if I wanted to cum following that orgasm and I wasn't sure (I wanted to but I wasn't sure if I should push it) so he just ended the scene from there. 
     For a moment everything in my head was scrambled and talking coherently was slightly difficult. He talked about things while I got my head back in order (which took less time then I thought). It included things like me mentioning how doing that slut brainwashing bit in person (in certain circumstances) would interestingly awesome and how a hypnokink event he's doing was like a Hamilton since he's been waiting for it (*giggles). Including Turq saying I probably couldn't keep my hands anyone if we did do slut brainwashing in person (which he probably will based on how it went lol). Also Rasputin was mentioned due to Turq quoting a rock song . Not long though he did have to go be productive (*slightly sooner than I wanted because post scene I like being close to him for a while and talking) which elicited an awww from me even though I expected it based on the time. Which ends this latest blog post here. Enjoy reading another hypnokink adventure. Later~ ^^
P.S. Apparently I misremembered one or two things which was weird (was apparently never said which really odd) hence the editing. 


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