I should be doing things instead I'm think about hypnokink things

     My brain has the worst timing for things I swear. The weekend when I know my Dom won't be around much I get the urge to be fucked mindless. I would consider messing with my submissive but she's not around either it seems. Since if I can't be why not tease someone else into a horny mindless haze? but that's not an option so I'm sitting here looking through some of my favorite text scenes we've done. I'm not sure if it's helping or making me more horny.....My brain is conjuring up images of my mindlessly humping a pillow or him for a while. Or sucking and playing with on a large pair of boobs while being fucked or fucking them with a strapon (mmmmm)....... so yeah not helping. 
     I imagine my own stress with midterms and everything isn't helping either. I just need a break  (other than the time I spend playing pool between classes). Yeah being his mindless plaything is very appealing right now. I've noticed this is especially a thing when I'm stressed, that being his obedient, blank toy is more prevalent for me. Plus wanting him to be super dominant with me as well. Hopefully we'll get to skype soon or something. In part just so I can see him, even though it's only been like 2 weeks. (*sigh) Just needed to get that off my chest.


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