Interesting fun today

    Managed to fit in some fun which left me quite spacy (which is always a nice feeling). I certainly should of expected this after the text play which had similar effects (although today's skype scene was different in certain aspects. The bimbo part especially since that time over im he didn't give the leeway to resist (which was quite hot) also I didn't get to orgasm during it either (which I didn't mind). Plus not robot triggers happened then either so a bit different but none the less fun. Now on with the scene.
     I wasn't sure today was even happening so that made it even more fun. I managed to luck out in the privacy department which doesn't happen consecutive days too often. I had wait for skype to cooperate on my tablet (because upgrades hate me) and finally got the call started. We had a moment of hellos and pokes as usual which is always fun. Following that he suggested it was probably time to begin doing things (which I agreed). He started with the bimbo trigger which I felt the pull of once he said it. Rational thought started to go out the window for the moment although I was still capable of bratting slightly (which I did). He asked the usual questions like what I was thinking about (this time it was the lack of twirling ability for my hair). Other than that present concern I wasn't sure. He not shockingly (:P) suggested that I could be thinking about other things like "my Master's cock between my breasts" (no fair). That hot thought plus the brief push of my subby buttons didn't help what little thought I possessed at that time. It didn't help that I was minus a shirt and undershirt at that point. Of course not long after that suggested I should get naked (which I wouldn't even consider refusing because I was starting to get pretty horny). 
     He had me play with my boobs which made being a brat impossible. Then he had me masturbate which made focusing on looking at him while so arousal difficult at best (since getting my eyes to focus at a certain place when highly aroused is a challenge). I was agreeing with everything he said and asked without thinking by then. He asked things like if I was a mindless puppet or if I wanted to think (something like that). The pleasure triggering was happening as well so thought was a non existent thing by then. He did have me orgasm and brought me out of the trigger after a dazed moment. 
I was extra dazed following that orgasm I think because I got pulled deeply into that headspace than expected. Enough so I needed a moment to become at least partially coherent again. After saying that  I was coherent enough Turq asked me if I wanted to remain that way (or words to that effect). My reply was that the answer was going to no either way (he said that was fair enough). Turq then proceeded to use the robot trigger on me. My mind registered a split second of surprise and slipped into that headspace with ease. I automatically said the phrase without thinking that let him know I was there. The only thing I had remote thought about was the next command nothing else was in my head. He had me kneel then get on all fours with my mouth wide open. I complied with a brief thought which disappeared as quickly as it appeared on how hot this was. He then had me return to a standing position and bend over the edge of my bed. 
    He switched me to programming mode and had me say a few phrases like "I have no will" and "I can't think". After that he switched to sexbot mode and cock simulation mode which immediately consumed my attention. No matter how many times we do this I get completely sucked into the sensation of feeling of his cock sliding in and out my mouth. Following however long he had me doing that, he ended cock simulation mode. He then had me masturbate for him still bent over the bed. Even with the robot state my eyes were rolling into my head at this. I could hear how wet I was which made everything blur together even more. He had me stop masturbating after a bit then asked me if I could think or had any will which I said no to both. Then he brought me out of the trigger again slightly out of it.
    I took a brief pause to become capable of talking again and once had me sitting comfortably he dropped me with the trance trigger. He had me count myself down from 10 to 0 even deeper, saying blank and empty after each number. As I was counting he kept up the hypnotic patter by saying "even more empty even more blank with every number... calm and serene...". Yeah I was quite gone by the time I got to 0. Of course a call on my end chose to interrupt at that point. Once that was dealt with he dropped me back down to that point by reminding me how it felt and I imagine some unintentional fractionation occurred. He then had me repeat three different phrases separately including "I'm a mindless puppet" and "My mind is empty." for a while. After that he had me spread my legs and open my mouth briefly. He asked me if I was feeling horny (I really was) and I said yes. He then asked me to feel myself become more aroused.  I don't remember if he said anything else before proceeding to bringing me back up at the count of 3. He then said when I woke at the count of 3 everything would be back to normal and that I would have an intense orgasm (something to that effect). 
     He counted me back up and after opening my eyes the orgasm hit me hard. I swear I think my toes curls up before I felt the orgasm. My brain was officially fried by that point and had to take another 
moment to come to my senses. I was just making cat like sounds for a minute instead of talking because too much effort for my brain. Once I was functioning again we talked about action figure things. He saw a moment following me mentioning how I had wanted to be standing a different place during robot suggestion but it felt awkward to move that far during the scene. He used the body slave trigger and had me move to the position I had wanted to move to. He then had me kneel and skype dropped the call which was briefly disorienting for me. He ended the trigger over im to be on the safe side before I called back. Once we got the call up again he triggered me again to move to that same place and kneel. Following that he he told me to say "I'm an obedient puppet."(or something similar I don't recall exactly). I resisted even though not doing what he says during a trigger even when awake takes some effort. After a moment of me not complying he used the trigger again and told me to obey (which I just briefly zoned out on remembering in my head...)(again no fair :p). I immediately said the phrase following that and then he ended the trigger and we continued action figure talk a little until he felt it was good timing to get off skype. We imed a little more until it was time for him to go and do stuff. That ends this post and hope you enjoyed reading it. Later~ ^^


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