That was more than I expected

     So I was pretty pumped up (because loud music) before the scene which made getting into the headspace slightly difficult. Not that even that was capable of reducing any of the hotness from today's scene. Today was one of the rare no worries about privacy issues days so that was also good. After getting set, the call started with the usual pokes and such (more on Turq's part today :p).  I was more admiring his hair which is back to it's usual length now (I really wanted to play with it). Then following talking about things briefly he pulled my slave trigger (which didn't take as great effect because my brain was still mulling over things in the background). He had me remove my shirt then had me move to the place where I thought had better lighting last time. He had me kneel not surprisingly and remove my undershirt as well. Then he asked me what I was thinking about (I imagine he was to drive it into a submissive thought) which was about the yarn which had rolled its way to the place where I was kneeling. Trying to retrieve it for a moment fractured my focus even more. So safe to say I wasn't all the way into the slave headspace. He brought me out of it not long after that.  
     I got back on the bed moving back to where I was originally was. He then pulled the body slave trigger to get me remove the rest of my clothes. I remarked with my lack of surprise at this action. That resulted with him telling me to me say I'm an obedient puppet. I tried to resist and he used that against me by making it more difficult to say anything than that. Also that the more I resisted the more difficult it got to say anything else (plus he used the obey bit against me again :p). After a short moment I said it not surprisingly and told him how unfair that was once he brought me out of it.
     After he brought me out of it he dropped me using the trance trigger plus deepening me with words I now associate with being dropped so deeply twice now. Well third now because I was quite gone when he did that, which he probably did purposefully. My dom had me deepen until I told him my mind is gone (which wasn't that long I think). After that he asked if I remember the time we did the mindwipe suggestion. I did vaguely and he asked/suggested how I could remember how it felt to temporarily not remember who I was and such. I said I did and he said just for this scene he would use a trigger to bring that about. He brought me back up after making sure I liked and understood the idea. Along with making me forget what he did during the trance until later.
    I was slightly spacy following that so it took a second to get my bearings mentally. I was also suspicious of what he did (since I wasn't aware of it at the moment). Once I was mostly back to normal he pulled the body slave trigger again. This time however he had me grip my hair at about the nape and pull myself back, forward and to the side. The moment I was gripping my own hair I mentally began to zone out. It wasn't a trance but kind of similar (like the times in the hotel where he's pulled my hair) not thinking anything just feeling the lack of control I had in that moment. That was really awesome. :) He ended that trigger and I sat for a moment in a slight haze telling him about that. Which of course he filed away for future use. 
     Then he pulled the trigger I didn't know was temporarily available for use. Before I even had the chance to even contemplate how that was even there everything was gone. There was nothing in my mind to question let alone think. He asked me if I know who I was, it took a second to realize I didn't. He followed that question up with if I cared if I didn't remember which I did not. He then told me I was his slave and fuckpuppet and he was my Master. I didn't question it since I didn't know anything at this point. He had present my breasts and play with the nipples while still holding them. That certainly got me slightly worked up. Every time they brushed I got slightly more horny. While doing that he had me repeat the phrase fuckpupppet obeys. He had me stop after a little bit and then had me bend over the bed. I remember during that point he asked me who and what I was. I said your slave and fuckpuppet to both respective questions. He pleasure triggered me for that (mmmm).
      Then he had me bend over the edge of the bed. This led to him asking questions like does fuckpuppet obey (I said yes and he asked me yes what which is always hot) can fuckpuppet think while masturbating (which made me realize how wet I actually was already). I was soaking wet to the point it probably start dripping sightly if I got any more horny. The masturbating made any feeble attempt to focus useless if I had even tried by then. He had me say other phrases like fuckpuppet is an obedient whore, fuckpuppet is ready to be used and fuckpuppet sucks cock. I imagine my eyes rolled at least once by then. He had me stop masturbating then move to sit on the bed again with my legs spread wide.
      He had me open my mouth wide as well then told me to feel a cock entering my mouth which overloaded my brain with the feeling. So safe to say that it's not just independent to the robot state. I don't know how long this went for but at the end of that he had me cum. It was like everything exploded at the intensity of that orgasm but I still stayed in that state. He had me get back up again but remain standing this time legs apart. He told me to masterbate again which resulted in sounds from me. I was just aware at how wet I was but I think he said something else out had me say things again. Then he had me cum again (yeah today was quite awesome) followed by ending the scene there. He dropped me one last time during with the trance trigger to get rid of the temporary trigger and let me remember that he added it during that earlier trance.  (:p)  
      Weirdly enough I wasn't spaced out as I expected post trance. Although I was quite tongue tied and that made it harder to speak clear sentences. It was amusing since my mind was slightly everywhere with discussing how everything went and being preoccupied with a puppy. I was slightly enthused about everything then. We discussed other stuff including what comic to read today. He eventually had to go and do stuff so we ended the call. That pretty much ends this journal entry. Later ~


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