Back to subbing today :)

     I was so in need of subbing because midterms and after are going to kick my butt.  Which makes being being docile and blank more appealing than it already is (clearly). It had felt like an eternity since the last time we skyped. We talked about it afterwards and turns out it was nearly 3 weeks, but a bit longer since I've subbed over Skype anyways. Which explains a lot (mostly the bit of bratting I did lol). Today the timing was pretty much perfect play wise. I got privacy right before Turq showed up making things quite convenient. 
     When we got on my brain was still slightly working on overtime about something that couldn't be helped (my thing basically). We sat around talking and mewing at each other for a bit. After a little bit we started and he pulled the robot trigger which I hadn't expected to be first. I wasn't 100% out of it haven't used it in a little bit but I was a ways away from being completely coherent. He had me stand up, remove my shirt then kneel. After a moment of that he ended the trigger. Before getting up slightly disoriented I asked him why he did that. Of course he said because he of enjoyed it and such things (shocker). I think I stuck my tongue out at him in response to that.   
      He had I checked how I was (I think) then pulled the trance trigger. It was immediately followed with a deepener which pulled me the rest of the way down. I think he had used a similar deepener before because I had correctly guessed a word or two of it in my head while he did it. Once done with that part my Dom reminded me of the bimbo brainwashing. He also told me that was going to be used back to back with the slave brainwashing. He had asked me if I was okay with it (I was since we had discussed it like the before or so). Then he brought me back up to start doing the brainwashing.
    I was slightly more spacy than after the brief time under the robot trigger. I wasn't 100% coherent when he started with the first phrase. I did something I hadn't planned to do when he said it, I tried to resist saying it. I don't know how long I tried to resist the trigger but it felt like a long time to me. My Dom didn't say a word during the entire time I tried to resist saying the phrase. That was also surprising because he usually makes me say it (or just nudges me suggestively in that direction) after I resist for a while.  Either way it's safe to say I gave in and said the phrase (I think it was "I'm a  .     
     The orgasm that followed made me aroused to say the least. I tried to resist less with the second one.Then by the 4th phrase I was quite spacy and and wet. I had started saying like and twirling my hair if not soon after. The pleasure triggering of course added to that. I barely remember what I was saying other than saying "My head is full of cotton candy.". Probably because I said it wasn't fair after that. Yeah... I was quite a brat today. lol I remember he had me bend over the bed a bit then kneel. I'm pretty sure I removed my undershirt at his command by this point. I said something about being a cockslut at one point. Amusingly when he was just about to end my phone vibrated and he ended that part of the scene (ended up being a telemarketer or something -_-). 
   I got up and had some water nearby following the back to back orgasms into bimbo headspace. I don't know but I imagine my eyes rolled back into my head enough of the bimbo brainwashing. I think not long after that we went into the slave brainwashing after checking if I wanted to do that. I was of course probably slightly fractionated by this point. I still tried to resist the first phrase I had to repeat back to him  (basically I was a docile slave or something like that ). I didn't last as long this time. Even less the second phrase of the slave brainwashing. When he asked if I had agreed with the sentiment of that last phrase (not the exact phrasing but that's the gist of it) and I stuck my tongue oout at him. His response was "Oh really? ". The way he said that I would have thought I was in trouble if I could think straight then . *chuckles Not that I would of done anything differently. He had me say phrases like "My body belongs to Master. " and "My body is yours to use. " During this he had me remove my pants. When he asked me what did I say when he told me to do something.  I  knew he wanted me to say Yes Master but I purposefully resisted briefly. I did say it and he pleasure triggered me for that. Then he had me kneel and say another phrase or two before  having me bend over the bed again. I don't recall the phrases I said while bent overr the bed but I remember him having me squeeze then play with my boobs. Having said a phrase during that orgasm was quite noticeable. (Understatement lol) Then he had me masturbate while still saying phrases. He finally had me kneel again asking me if I wanted to cum again. I completely out of it said Yes please.  Again he asked "yes what? " that caused me to amend my statement.  He then had me say one more phrase so I would cum again. Then he ended the scene with that.
     I after a few seconds following  that manged to get up and curl up in bed. He quite thoroughly fried my brain with that scene. My Dom noted he was as spacy as I was after that scene which based on the sounds he made during that scene that doesn'tsurprise me. I managed to become coherent again rather quickly to me (I'm still unaware of time at this point). Then we talked about many different things until he had to go. One of those things being transformers  (a surprise to no one) and a conversation with friends that briefly became kink related  (.....>> it ended quickly thankfully). Elementary was also mentioned apparently I forgot the newest season was already in progress (*facepalms). He eventually did have to go adult which ended the call. Hope you enjoyed the read.  ~


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