More switching ! (this time over skype!)

     So today was certainly something different. Probably the first time trancing happened over skype with me not being the one being tranced. (:P) I was quite nervous being the Top during this scene over Skype. Since We've done it over im a few times already. ^^ Plus I planned things out slightly via google docs in order to have a better handle on things. That mostly helps with phrases and brainstorm triggers which are harder than it looks to come up with. We had planned this definitely like a few days ago. I was excited also nervous because having never done this by voice with anyone before.  It helps that Turq knows me well and we've done this over im already. So it's not like I'm going in blind but I was still nervous about it. 
     We had started by im while waiting to start Skyping. We were going on for awhile I was beginning to worry we wouldn't get to do video at all today. During the playing over im I gave him a trance trigger which totally makes things easier to get started. There was a minor mistake but that was auto correct's fault. :P After a bit of teasing along with mantras we got the chance to move over to video. He reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. Then I pulled the trance trigger on him. Watching him flop (kind of) was all kinds of adorable. I deepened the trance remembering that he had mentioned going under isn't the easiest thing ever. I've learned to use his thinking against him to help with that. (*chuckles evilly at that) From there we did more mantras and I had him kneel at one point. Having him do that is forever the hottest thing. I also set up the body slave trigger during this part too. After all the more ways I can tease him the better. (*chuckles)
     We had to move back to im after that for a short time.  Time put to good with some robot play which is always fun. ^^ We talked about how things were going on video before that. Particularly on why I hadn't used the body control trigger yet (I figured I'd wait until we wouldn't get interrupted). I thought about getting him more undressed if we got back to Skyping. Then I  dropped him and transitioned to the robot headspace. I was trying to think of some different phrases or terms while doing it than he uses with me.  It took a few minutes but once finished with that I initiated programming which led to call and response phrases. These phrases framed aims the robot headspace to help deepen the headspace. Like "Your will has been disabled.". "Your mind has been disabled." and "You are programmed to worship your Goddess.". Also him referring to me as Goddess (my agree on title for topping) it's really hot. :$ 
     Following a bit of such programming I brought him back up (realizing he wakes up much quicker than me out of trance). Also with the transitioning to robot I did so well he didn;t notice I hadn't put a trigger for it (:D). I hadn't because I still don't have a trigger phrase in mind that would suit it in my opinion. Turq had noted the whole thoughts fighting to the surface during it which is a thing. I guess (and he pretty much said) since he doesn't trance on the sub side on a regular basis that's likely the reason for that. Also noting whether or not the body slave trigger allowed him talking capabilities since I left that open ended (he guessed it wouldn't). After a bit of discussing all this we moved back to video again to my delight.
     Once there I decided to help with the pesky clothes situation on his end via the body slave trigger. I believe at this point I had briefly dropped him to add the freeze trigger (one for his body one for his mind). I had some fun with that by freezing him both ways and adding the suggestion he'd be frozen the next time he poked me.  Knowing it was there after I ended the trigger he purposefully sprung the suggestion. I teased him for a moment about leaving him there but noting it wouldn't be as fun as in person since I couldn't get to pose him before unfreezing him. We then moved to a slave headspace via trance trigger again. He kneeled at a different vantage point which was intensely distracting for me  (lol). I had him say more slave centric mantras this time then brought him back up. 
      Finally after some back and forth in my own head i decided to whole cock slave thing he does with my except with my boobs. I set it up via the trance trigger to make things easier and a short tease later pulled up my shirt and had him staring at my boobs. Immediately deepening the trance to make it stick because I noticed if I stopped talking for too long he tends to start coming back up slightly. I had him say a phrases about wanting to worship my boobs and being unable to resist them. The bringing him back up and talking how everything went he had to go and do things. All and all I'm glad that went well even with a minor mistake on my part. It made me miss being on the sub side which I thought was going to happen today but I'm I got to do this. Can't wait to do this again! Hope you enjoyed reading about. Later~


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