Mindlessness and switching afoot today :)

   The fractionation of today's extended Skype call has left me with more holes in my memory scene wise than the norm. I don't think I've been this emphatically fractionated in a while.
  So today was quite fun in the mindless fraction mixed with topping and a slight switch fight. The latter two were not planned but just happened through teasing and discussion. Timing wise availability worked out perfectly so this worked out quite well. Following that my hair had been affirmed to be still quite ruffleble although not twirling friendly, he pulled the pleasure trigger unexpectedly. That earned a really from me to which he basically responded yes. He then pulled the robot trigger to which I lost all thought to. He had me remove my shirt, stand briefly then kneel (which I did automatically).  He ended the trigger and got back up already slightly spacy which I mentioned when he asked how I was. He then pulled the robot trigger again which I hadn't been expecting. I slipped back into the robot headspace as he had me remove my undershirt and lower half of my pajamas. With the former my tablet fell in the process but was unharmed because carpet (which I figured in the back of my mind was going to happen). I'm honestly not sure what happened briefly after this part because I was quite fractionated today. 
     I'm quite certain it was having me bend over my bed but the details are quite murky at the moment. I'm pretty sure he had me do the factory reset suggestion to which I was quite gone. He had suggested my programming had been saved on an external device like a memory card then did the factory reset erasing everything there. He asked if I could think or had any programming following that. The answer to both questions was obviously no. He had me kneel along with put my hands behind my head (twice) and behind my back. When he restored the programming he asked programming questions to which I automatically responded. Not long after this he ended the robot trigger. 
    After ending the robot trigger a second time I recall the mind wipe suggestion occurred. I remember the feeling of every thought and memory get sectioned off to where it feels like there's nothing there. We had done this before but not in sometime so this interesting to experience again. He had me say when everything was gone the phrase "This body has been mind wiped.". Once I said it he had me in a seated position with my legs spread. He had asked if I knew where I was, who I was and who he was. I said no to all these question but not once was worried at all by this (which also occurred the last time). My Dom at that point told me that I was fuckdoll and that he was my Owner. I accepted it without hesitation, not that I was capable of thinking period by this point. He then had me remove my underwear I think. I sat back down on the bed and I don't really remember what happened clearly during the rest of that suggestion. 
     After laying in my bed briefly he pulled the giant crystal and had me imagine my thoughts and will were getting sucked into there, leaving me an empty shell. Once that was done I had to say the phrase "I am an empty shell." I'm pretty sure. This was another suggestion we hadn't done in a while. Before he had even started the suggestion I had started looking at the crystal,which is probably an automatic response at this point. I just stared blankly ahead while I was laying on my side by the time I said the phrase. Turq had asked the usual questions like if I could think. Of course I'd say I cannot since that was not even remotely feasible by this point. He then had all the empty space in my head filled with arousal. This had made me start moving my hips even though sideways there's nothing to rub against. I had also started playing with my boob a little during this too. I vaguely remember him talking during this probably nudging me becoming filled with arousal. Not long after that he had me cum, then had all my thoughts and will come back once I had finished. 
     Following a bit of talking and seeing how I was again, this is where the robot trigger was pulled a third time I believe. I was laying sideways on the bed still and got pulled into the headspace immediately. He had me say a few phrases then put me in cock simulation mode (another thing not done in a while) and felt his cock slide into my mouth as my eyes rolled into my head for a moment. Since it had been awhile from the last time he had used that mode it wasn't as intense sensation wise but it was quite close. My body started acting on its own accord with my mouth moving up and down as if I was actually sucking his cock. I actually felt like as if it was moving in and out of my mouth  when I did that. I know he had me exit cock simulation mode then go back in again after briefly putting me in programming mode I believe. Then he brought me back out of that mode and ended the robot trigger. My mouth had felt slightly tired for a short bit following that.
         So to my surprise this all took the span of half an hour which felt longer and shorter than I thought it could be at the same time (which I know isn't possible realistically). Still experiencing a bit of fractionation he had asked if I could compare what robot, mind wipe and empty shell felt like to me. Of course still fractionated thinking about those headspaces while trying to convey what I felt was a bit difficult to do coherently. Based on what I had said he had decided to go with doing the mind wipe suggestion. Due to the fact I had done it recently all he had to say was "Serena mind wipe." and everything started to go back to how it was during the suggestion. He asked one or two of the same questions to be sure and told me the same things (about me being fuckdoll and him being my Owner). I remember him having my repeat things like "fuckdoll is wet." and "I am fuckdoll." a few times. Along with him telling me that when I wasn't talk I had to have my mouth open so I could be ready and availible to be used (since I was sitting with my legs spread at that point). I think he had me get up and bend over the bed again. Then he had me masturbate for a short bit and squeeze my boobs once. (or I could be confusing parts of the scene again) Not long after he had me go blank then brought me back up completely back to normal. 
      There was a point after he had asked if I was still aroused and I said yes. Then he had me masturbate again with a brief period of coaxing me to give in.(mmmmm that was quite hot) I don't remember how long it was until he let me cum. But I know I came quite hard that time. That ended the main part of today's scene. But since he had mentioned yesterday having been thinking about my boobs  and having nearly spacing out because I unintentionally had them in the camera frame. I figured I might as well let him get fully distracted. (*insert slightly evil chuckle here) I teased a bit about him wanted to suck them and how he was my mindless, helpless thrall among other things. I also had him say a few phrases along those lines. I had him at one point put something he had in his hand on a dresser just because. I got an adorable reaction from that. When I tried to get him to elaborate he said that it summed up how he felt.(lol) There were many pets and scritches in between these moments since I kind of fractionated him slightly. I also had him kneel and say a few mantras as well which is always fun and makes me really excited for when this all happens in person. It didn't last too long because my brain wasn't flowing as well because fractionation slightly still in play I imagine.
     The last bit of trancing fun for the day occurred following a mention of tumblr person we both follow. This led to a switch battle to see who would trance who first with their body. Him with his cock and me with my boobs against each other. I had the upper hand at one point because I heard the sound he made when he starts going into a trance via my boobs but tablet angles made me lose. (:P) I could have fought it more but I decided not to. This led to me being on my knees telling him I was his mindless cock slave. Asking me what I was thinking about (his cock) and what did my mouth belong around (see previous answer :p). I believe he had me cum at the end of that for a third time.This ended hypnofun for today and led to him asking about how being his cock slave compared to the whole tit slave thing I used for him. I don't really remember how I answered exactly other than how focused on his cock and nothing else.  This ends the latest hypnokink adventure, hope you enjoy the read. Later~ ^^


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