Spur of the moment group things

     So today started out with me being very lazy. In part because I'm quite certain coming down with a sore throat or something (ugh I don't have time for that). Which leads me to be under a blanket knitting a blanket while watching the history channel's ultimate guide to the Presidents. *chuckles yeah I'm a nerd if you haven't gathered by now. Of course this has nothing to do with the work I'm neglecting to start yet.....>> I really should get to that soon.
    Getting back scene related things luckily getting scene time was easily done today. ^^ We had started talking about things as soon as we got the call started. Mainly my probably being sick plus Transformers and D&D things. After a bit of that, he amusingly asked who was going to top.With my potential unwellness (not a word but oh well :p) I figured he was probably more capable of topping than me and we decided to go in that direction (even with my brain as late of last night thinking of topping him a bit). I was surprised he went with the bimbo trigger with the first trigger to pull. I wasn't 100% under but automatically started to try to put myself more in the bimbo headspace. I recall him asking if I was horny and such. I giggled and said a little. He also had me remove my shirt which was all I removed today. 
     Not long after that he ended the trigger to see if Daja wanted to join us. She did (yay ^^) and Turq added her to the call. It's still awesome group video calls can be a thing over my tablet now thankfully. A bit of teasing banter ensued not surprisingly (*chuckles). This lead to the bimbo trigger being used again. He had me present my boobs at that point briefly (I think) while I was still hair twirling and both wearing shirts. I continued my hair twirling and he asked (more like suggested) that my head  was full of cotton candy. That I was ditzy and docile among other usual bimbo things. 
     Then after not too long he pulled out the crystal. I automatically started to space out by association. He had me focus on the crystal and told me I'd get hornier, dumber and empty headed (and such things). I remember having to force myself to keep my eyes open. He then had us repeat a few phrases like "My head is full of cotton candy." and "I'm a dumb, ditzy airhead." Then he put the crystal away and had me kneel after asking things knowing what the answer would be. Such as what I was thinking. (:P) 
     Once kneeling he then had us repeat phrases again although this time more reflective of the slave headspace. Such as "I obey my Master." (I think) and when telling us to present our boobs again (all while still kneeling) was telling us about enjoying us being on display for him.  Then he said the word sleep and put us both into a trance. He then proceeded to bring us back and end all the conditioning from today. Daja restated the fact he was an evil tease after we both got our our respective beds again. Mewing at each other happened ("shockingly") along with a glomp pile occurred then Transformers and game purchasing talk started to happen. We then talked about things although Daja and Turq did most of the talking while I knitted because the talk got to interesting game things I didn't know about. After a bit of this Turq had to go do adult things, Daja heading to bed eventually and I decided to attempt starting my paper (which turned into me knitting and watching more of the history channel thing.......>>).  Which ended the call which was longer than I thought it was. Hope you enjoyed reading about my hypnokink things. Later~


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