My Induction

         Hey everyone, as the title says this the induction script I've been working on for a bit. It relies a bit on visual hallucination in having you imagine something. Don't worry, no trigger words of any kind are involved (but feel free to skim through it first).  Leave any observations or pointers (which are very appreciated) of any kind you have  in the comments sections. Hope you all enjoy it. ^^
 Imagine for a moment a pocket watch.. A simple closed pocket watch attached to a chain being held in someone’s hand.. That hand being my hand.. Seeing that you’ve noticing my watch I move to open it and toy with you a little. As I open the pocket watch that has caught your attention, notice the sleek inner workings of the watch moving continuously in the little window that allows a peek at its inner workings... One piece is so tiny, yet all of them are so important….
It's as if you’re looking into your own mind when you're focused on driving home, reading or watching your favorite tv show.. With those little but numerous thoughts on everyday things continuously whirling around in your head like the tiny gears and cogs constantly moving unhindered before you.
But those things you're doing are just so easily pushing the noise of those pesky little thoughts to the background…. just for a moment.... allowing yourself to just simply let your thoughts be drawn in but now let that focus be the watch before you
The watch is quite easier to focus on than those other things and just as fun if you let it be. Fighting it is only just going to make the wait longer .. However that doesn't mean it won't be a enjoyable wait either way. The end will be just the same regardless of the choice you make..The easier choice is sooo much less effort and didn't you come for having a moment of effortlessness?
So let nothing other than the watch matter then either way. Even if you decide to struggle against it for your own enjoyment, (which I will enjoy in amusement) that struggle will only cause you to sink faster than if you just allowed it to happen. I told you either choice will lead to the same result and we both know you want that, don't you?
I thought so...
You wouldn't stay if you didn't want to a moment to relax and not think...
It's quite adorable you think resisting will get you anywhere. But watching you struggle is all the more fun... To see the signs of  you visibly lose yourself with the slackness in your face, shoulders, arms along with the rest of your body (but still able to read along) lying back comfortably (if you can) and your eyes seemingly to look at something not really there…
But that watch is most certainly real to you right now. After all, seeing the light reflect off it as it lazily swings before you and hearing the ticking not noticing your breathing has slowed down to a more relaxed pace… It’s as if you’re sleeping but not at the same time
As you get lost in the watch know that you can come back any time you want or need to effortlessly..
Just for now, look closely and see the watch continue to tick on regardless of its surroundings as your mind continues on now however letting your awareness of that fade into the background while simply following along with my words before you.
Drawing your mind in the watch for a short break from the constant effort of thinking about everything and anything. Making it become perfectly silent for a moment. Thus letting you be whatever the one holding the watch wants you to be for a while... After all, whoever owns the watch, owns your mind, it's only fair of course, don't you think.?
Silly me. Of course you can't think.... I'm the one doing the thinking for you and I'm thinking about how you're going to be a good little toy for me. And you can't help but agree with that since nothing with make you happier than to my unthinking plaything for just a moment.... Just sitting peacefully, letting yourself just follow along with my words… enjoying the feeling of possibly being pulled deeper if you’d like or remaining comfortably relaxed as you are already. However long you want this relaxing moment to be, you can just let yourself relax and drift until you want or need to wake up..

So very relaxed and obedient, doing very good.
Now it’s time for you to wake up (but you know you can always come back and read this again if you want to.). On the count of three, you’re going to wide away completely back to yourself.
taking a deep breath in and out becoming more aware of the room around you.
Stretching and moving around a bit, coming up from hypnosis
Wide awake completely aware and out of hypnosis.
You did a very good job..
(Make sure to walk around and get something to drink if necessary especially if you’re still feeling a little hazy.)


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