Very enjoyable skype time today :)

 (This is from yesterday)   I'm sitting here all pumped up after having a such a fun time with Turq so I'm in my post trance fun everything is wonderful phase feeling. Plus listening to the song Freak the Freak Out has my energy level up there for the moment. So glad to have had an awesome today especially after the not so fun stuff that happened during last month (before my birthday).
    So today we somewhat planned to skype, especially (I figure) since he's going to MEEHU us talking and having some fun over skype before he does was in order. Luckily that skype time was in the cards for today. I waiting a little bit to mention that in part because I didn't realize that I currently had a skyping opportunity for a moment. Either way not long after I let him know he called. It had felt like forever since we last skyped but apparently it was only just slightly shy of 3 weeks. We both agreed was still too long. We started talking and I did the usual brattiness of poking of course. :) He did his thing of saying "Yes?" that stops my brain for a second as a reply. Then (when mentioning since he was in the midst of packing things he could use something) he pulled out a pendant that I didn't remember seeing before and swung it in camera. (*Makes a mental note to get a pendant like that eventually.) I immediately became completely focused on it without him even telling me to (in part because it was quite pretty). I must really be use to him swinging things in my face lol (this was not an intended double entendre *chuckles).
     After a moment of that I was slipping into a trance automatically (which he definitely saw) and he stopped swinging the pendant and said sleep. I guess not being sure how deep I was going to go he used my trance trigger right after that. Following deepening me a little he said he was going to do the bimbo brainwashing  scene again. He refreshed me on the details of it and brought me back up after asking the usual if I was okay with the suggestion and stuff. I don't remember the first phrase he had me say but I definitely remember the orgasm that followed. I know I swore under my breath then stuck my tongue out at him cause I'm a brat after all. I also recall saying sarcastically that if I hadn't said it was unfair already I was saying it was now. After a few more phrases followed by orgasms I was playing with my hair and was without my dress which he had told me to take off. He then had me play with my boobs and continue to say phrases. He asked me what I was thinking about that point and I said it was very hot to which he said that I was very hot. Although he thought I wasn't sure what he meant by that at that point  *chuckles (I did know what he meant and told him afterwards). 
    He then told me to stand up and take off my panties which I giggled and said okay to. He had me move the tablet up and down my body while standing (mentioning how hot and wet my cunt was for him) then had me start masturbate for him. He still has me saying sentences while doing so. Safe to say my legs buckled a bit at this point. I remember he asked what I liked about being stupid and I giggled and said that I liked not having to do hard stuff. He said while clearly amused that I didn't have to anything hard since fucking was easy and that fucking myself was the easiest thing I could do. Although I heard what he was saying I was a bit preoccupied to think about it let alone disagree if I even wanted to. Of course the large amount of pleasure triggering certainly didn't help that. *chuckles In the middle of repeating a phrase I honestly couldn't remember the rest of it. I had to ask him to repeat it again. By the time he got to the last sentence he told me to kneel during that orgasm. That definitely hit my subby buttons. Then he unexpectedly said the word release them a# (which I asked about since he hasn't messed with my arousal that way and he explained that he figured that might help ground me).  
   I took a moment after getting back up on my bed and getting redressed for now. Even though I didn't feel my usual post trance haziness I probably looked like I still needed it. After a bit of talking about how that went I worked my way back up to poking him again ("shocker"). He did that "Yes?" thing again then ask if I wanted to play some more. I did but being a brat I said maybe. When he asked again I said I wasn't going to give a yes or no answer. I should have know he was going to use that as an opportunity to cheat by pulling a trigger. The trigger in question he pulled was the robot one which was unexpected since we hadn't used that one in a while. I had honestly forgot what that headspace felt like but the moment he said the trigger it was like everything just stopped. I remarked later that I was surprised that I remember the phrase I was suppose automatically say when he pulls that trigger (after having not used it in a while). He said that considering I've said it so many times in the past year and a half approximately that's not really surprising. In that moment thought, I was just waiting for instructions to follow and he told me to say yes which I did then he brought me back up. I stuck my tongue out at him when he did cause he cheated (although he said he didn't take that yes seriously for obvious reasons).
     After I had a minute he asked if I wanted to play some more and I said yes this time. He then pulled the robot trigger again and again everything basically just stopped in my head. He had me say some phrases (minus the orgasming) including "I have no will." "I can't think." and "You are my Master." then had me stand and remove my dress again. He had say some more phrases then had me kneel which I remember distinctly because I did it (unintentionally) in a fluid motion. Following some repeating phrases (like "you are my Owner." "I am your slave." "Your tits are mine to fuck." and "my mouth belongs around your cock.") he turned on my arousal with sexbot mode turning it all the up and saying some of the phrases I've said already while highly aroused. I think with all the pleasure triggering involved or that he told me to orgasm I don't remember which one. I recall my eyes rolling into the back of my head for a moment with the combination of pleasure triggering and arousal. Instead of finishing there he had me sit back on the bed, spread my legs and open my mouth wide like a fuckdoll. Then he had me cum again and brought me back from the robot trigger.
       Oddly enough I didn't feel any of the usually haziness after this either. I still needed a moment to readjust to the room though. During that we discussed things including comics and him deciding what to pack. After a bit of that he asked if I wanted him to do a clean up trance which I was fine with. He did using my trigger phrase and basically said I should be back to normal minus all the brainwashing which just happened. Then brought me back up again. I lounged around mostly while we talked a bit more and I showed him some of the stuff I've made while doing so. He shared some of the hilarious parts of the Tranformers comic he was reading along with parts of the new comic Loki agent of Asgard. That lead to talking about Ms.Marvel (*still squeeing over it as my birthday present) since he showed up in Issue 13. There was also a lot of mewing at each other as usual. *giggles Though he did have to go and do stuff eventually, which he did after a long time of talking about various things (after hugs saying how much fun it was). It left me in such a good mood (as shown in beginning) even though I knew I likely won't see him until next week. With that I hope you enjoy the read. Later~ :)


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