Part three of my McStory

 If you want to read the previous parts of this story here's are the links: and

     Taking a brief moment to watch her laying in the bed, deeply entranced he softly chuckled. They both knew the fact she said "Make me" was an invitation for him to tease the heck out of her. Which he had planned to anyway since today they both needed the break. Plus they were overdue for a trancing session having been forced to cancel the past two previous ones....(sighs). Realizing he's gotten lost in his own thoughts for a second he mentally returns to the present. It then suddenly clicked in his head what he should do with his bratty sub.
    With a smirk rather evident in his voice if you listened, he broke the silence of the room:
 "Now my little puppet while your mindless drifting a deep trance for me listen closely.. When you wake up you're going to be completely frozen, unable to move unless I tell you to. You'll be completely helpless doing only what I tell you to like a good little toy.. although you can't move, you'll be able to think and feel during this scene. However the more pleasure you feel, the less you'll able to think. Every single nibble of your ear, every squeeze of your breasts, every stroke of your thighs will make you increasingly more horny and blank for me, isn't that right? You'll be less and less able to do anything but obey without thinking. So by the time I'm done, you'll be an empty headed puppet who's only thought will wanting to cum... You'll only be able to cum when I tell you to though... so it might be awhile before that happens.. Do you understand?"
A very soft and far away sounding yes paired with a barely noticeable head nod came from her as an answer.
"Very good.
At the count of three you'll be wide awake but unable to move unless told to.
Starting to come back to the room around you, but your body is frozen in place
Coming up from hypnosis knowing the more pleasure you feel the more blank you'll be and that you cannot cum unless I let you..  And
Wide awake. Completely aware of all the suggestions I've just given you.
     I sometimes forget how it feels like waking up from such a deep trance she thought. Trying to rub her eyes a habit of hers when waking up from a trance she noticed her arm wouldn't move. No matter how hard she tried it wouldn't budge. Then remembering the suggestions which are currently taking place she swore under her breath, knowingly anticipating what was going to happen. That realization made the haze of the trance fade away. I'm really going to pay immensely in teasing for that make me remark she thought then chuckled looking forward to it. The chuckle attracted the attention of him who was standing at the foot of the bed. 
"How are you doing? " he asked smugly
"How do you think?!" she replied glaring at him.
"Funny you should ask that question, since by the end of this scene I'll be doing the thinking for you.... And I think... you're anticipating the moment that I'll start toying with you, which will make you more blank and horny."
    As he was saying this part, he walked around to only the side of the bed I could try to roll off of. While doing so he purposefully slowly trailed his fingers up my leg causing me to squeak and lost my train of thought a little. I tried not to show that what he just did affected me but my expressions tend to be an open book in most cases. His clearly evident smirk in front of my face showed this case was no exception. I stuck my tongue out at him since I couldn't do anything else. That got me an evil looking grin in combination with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Others would be quite worried by that look but it only made me quite happy and slightly distracted since that was his Dom look. It meant things are going to get very interesting. I chuckled softly at the thought of what he would do next.


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