Intense fun times

     So today was all kinds of awesome!! I kind of knew I was in for it when I was mentioning things we haven't done recently such as orgasm denial and empty shell suggestion. So he was quite on board with these things being done. *chuckles Shocking I know. Not realizing he had ample time I was worried I wouldn't get enough time to do said things. Luckily those thoughts were unfounded. 
    Happened to get back just as he got on so great timing on my part.After we both got settled in we didn't immediately start for once. We had ended up talking for quite a bit as I regaled about my Pokemon Go adventures because I had to go adulting briefly. I had started being a brat a bit with poking at him and mewing when he asked why I wanted his attention. Yeah I thought that was hilarious. At one point he started preempting my pokes which turned into me poking him just to say I did it first. Which made him highly amused. ^^ That was around when he pounced with the pocketwatch (probably because I mentioned something on that with a recent blog entry). Before he started saying anything my focus automatically zoomed in on it. He had asked me if I wanted to being thinking less at the moment right before that. I of course said maybe.... then the watch showed up. I instantly started to zone out and he said every pass of the watch my brain was going to be wiped a little more. He also said I would get more horny, stupid, spacy, slutty among other things. He had me repeat those things after him for a bit which pulled me even deeper into trance. I think I was swaying slightly with the watch at one point. By the time he pulled the watch out of my view I was quite gone.
    My eyes were half open for the most of this part. He asked I was good now that I was stupid, horny and such things (not those exact words but close enough). I of course said yes to this and he had me repeat two other phrases a few times. "Thinking is hard, Obedience is easy." is the one I currently remember. Along with remove the dress I was wearing (I remember correcting him since he said it was a shirt). Through out all this the words were repeating in my head from the pocket watch portion. Not that my Dom needed the help at all. I remember he asked me things during this part but I don't remember the exact words. Probably things like if I liked being a good whore or something like that. 
    He eventually had me bend over my bed (minus the dress) pleasure triggering me throughout. He had asked me what I was thinking about a second time by this point. I said I don't know because I couldn't think straight. While bent over he had me squeeze my boobs over repeatedly again (he probably read how I loved this part or I mentioned it). He had me repeat some phrases he said again like "I'm a human fuckdoll." and "This slut thinks with her cunt." (I think). All the while mindlessly squeezing my boobs together. My legs were giving out since without my hands for support my legs were taking all my weight bent over. Then he had me kneel (although kneeling wasn't as comfortable because my legs were like jelly at the moment so much so he had to suggest I get into a more comfortable position), present my boobs and open my mouth wide for him. I think it was about here he asked me if I wanted him to fuck my face and use my tits for him to cum. I assented to this because the idea of being mindlessly used for his pleasure is really hot
     He then had me get back on the bed with my legs open like a fuckdoll. I think he dropped by just saying sleep and then brought me back up ending that part of the scene. However leaving as horny as I currently was. It took a moment for the spaciness to clear enough in order for the arousal to become highly noticeable. He had asked me how I was doing knowing full well the answer. (:p) He continued to tease and pleasure trigger me (since I still haven't cum yet). He asked me again what I wanted and I said I don't know (following him unfairly pulling out the pocketwatch and using it again) since I was still in a light trance I imagine after everything previously. Then he went from teasing to more authoritative in asking things which I hadn't expected. It was quite hot. he asked things and I gave a evasive answer in an effort to brat. He still pleasure triggered me which made it less effective. I stuck my tongue out at him at some point and he asked if I really thought I should be doing that at some point. Yeah I quickly retracted my tongue following that. Then he asked if I wanted to do what he wanted me to do. I said I refused to answer the question. (lol yeah I'm dedicated to my brattiness) In response he said emphatically "Answer.". It wasn't in a yelling tone but it was quite firm and direct not giving me any way to wriggle out of (yeah that was awesome). I was still so suggestible that wouldn't have been possible anyway. I give a vague answer which technically satisfies his request. He then said answer definitively and I said yes. He had me correct myself and say yes Master by asking me yes what. 
     By this point he emphasizes he has complete control, especially on the fact I wouldn't be able to cum unless he allowed me to. Of course he used the pleasure trigger to tease me to the edge.he came to the conclusion since I wanted what he wanted, if he want me to pleasure and an orgasm I would want that. However since he would have to allow me to orgasm, in order for that to happen I'm going to have to beg him to let me to cum. I start off with a simple please and he said I could do better than that. Which caused me to start begging more profusely and he approved of. Not that he let me cum then either, He led me along by suggesting that if he showed me his cock I would cum. I obviously agreed with him. He not long after this showed me his cock and then commanded me to cum. My brain or rather what's left of it was essentially smashed to pieces. He told me then that while I stared at his cock he would continue to cum. After a moment he had asked if I wanted to stop cumming and he asked if I wanted to stop cumming I said I didn't know. He had me stop cumming and then said Blank can quickly followed that with Sleep. My brain followed suit from a mindless hazy to a trance. He then had all the extra arousal go away and me return to normal and brought me back up.
    So I was a bit out of it for a moment once I was awake. The first thing I wanted was some water because when I'm quite deeply under my reflex to swallow doesn't occur meaning my throat is usually dry afterwards. Today's weather probably didn't help that even with sans clothing. Although it took some effort to get back up and get said water. We talked a bit more about things like kink things, action figures and more Pokemon Go of course. Specifically my want of a Pikachu because they are cute. *chuckles I got many ruffles and pets following this. We talked until he had to go spend some preplaned time with someone else.This was one of our longer Skype calls although my distorted sense of time wouldn't let me know that. Thankfully calls are timed. I'm probably missing a detail or two but this is my recollection of today's fun. Thanks for reading. ~


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