It's been a while

     Finally got a full scene in today! It's been a little while with the last time being sometime in June I'm pretty sure. Along with that I managed to get in group Skyping in (and actually see the other people!) It's a thing for me to have group Skyping issues with this being no exception. But it worked out for once so no complaints here. The scene is probably in not a completely correct order because I had to wait a few hours before I got to write about it oops. Hopefully close enough....>>

     I was honestly worried something would happen causing an interruption or I'd have to cancel. Luckily the latter didn't have to happen. I had forgotten about the suggestion I had made up on the spot the night before last. When I started poking him a little as usual he pulled the body slave trigger. Not being sure what he was up to he had me take off my dress. Then my Dom had me play with my boobs and talking me down via the pleasure from playing with them. Before I even knew what hit me I was quite gone. I heard him telling me how the pleasure would wipe away my thoughts until I'm blank. I'm pretty sure my eyes were rolling into the back of my head during that. Since I wasn't sure if he wanted me to stop because with the body slave trigger I don't stop or do something until he tells me to. By the time I stopped playing with my boobs I was blank as could be. I remember my eyes weren't really focused on anything ahead of me.
   He had me get up and kneel after that. Continuing on how blank and mindless I was. Asking things like if I could think knowing full well my answer. It amuses me that he loves to do that. He then had me get up and bend over the bed. I wasn't thinking about what I was doing at all. I was just mindlessly following his instructions (mmmm that was hot..) Once there he had me repeating phrases after him. There were some new ones during that part. Including "Your tits are mine to suck."& "You're my mindless cockslut.". I don't know how he looked expression wise because looking in any direction other than straightforward without immense effort. Of course there was pleasure triggering throughout to reinforce the mindlessness. Not that I even garnered the effort to make an attempt. He had me play with my boobs some more while still bent over (since I've been mentioning my boob focused horniness for the past few days). He then had me remove the rest of my clothes (which wasn't much given the heat). I remember him having me masturbate once unclothed along with pleasure triggering. Asking me if I was wet and my clit was hard (which they both were). 
   He stopped me after a bit and had me kneel again. Instructing me to feel his cock sliding into my mouth which induced instant eyes rolling to the back of my head. It's a guaranteed eye roll for me pretty much. I don't remember what he said to me during this part other than confirming my lack of thinking capability. Which I pretty much moaned in response because trying to say anything while masturbating at this point is practically impossible. He had me bend over my bed again but this time squeeze my boobs together. Having me squeeze them together repeatedly while telling me how I could continue to mindlessly do that during and after he used them to pleasure his cock until he came. He reminded me of how I wanted to please him (because I had began calling him Master by this point). Then him telling me how he could use my cunt, tits and/or mouth to pleasure his cock. Which I would gladly have happen because I was completely obedient, unthinking and under his control. 
     Following that he had me stop what I was doing and put me into my bimbo headspace. Without the trigger this time probably because I was so deep. I was giggling, horny and stupid but no hair twirling for once because being bent over equals holding myself up by forearms. Not that I noticed much since he had me repeating phrases like before. With me telling him I'm his mindless cockslave and the usual things like my mouth belongs around his cock and such. I had asked him when he was going to let me cum (not in those exact words) when he asked me what was on my mind if anything. He said he would let me when he wanted to. That when was not long after that I believe following some phrases. He told me to look into the camera and commanded me to cum. I know my eyes rolled in to back of head briefly during that. 
     After I finished cumming he counted me back up to normal. Safe to say I was spacy as hell following that. Considering it spanned just over a half an hour was a surprise to me. Some parts it felt longer than that but not in a boring way. I guess being hypnotically brainwashed for half an hour messes with your time perception (....understatement).  I eventually got back to being complete coherency and talked about the hotness of all that. Along with other things of course, including me randomly trying on bathing suits I recently got. That got me unexpectedly triggered to be a robot because it's a thing for him  *chuckles.  I had a split second of surprise before taking completely in the robot headspace. He used the opportunity to have me knell and check me out in the bathing suit. Then he released me from the trigger just as fast as he had sprung it. This eventually led to him seeing if a new friend of his from MEEHU he thought I'd like was around to start a threeway Skype call. She was and I tried to be apart of it via my tablet which said no to picture (Skype needs to work on that). So I moved to my previous laptop which eventually cooperated with everyone being seen. She and her stuffed monkey was all kinds of wonderful and cute. We talked about kink community things but mostly Pokemon. Specifically the dangers of Pokemon Go which is going to lead to some stupidity I know it. Also the awesome Facebook memes on this as well. It was an awesome conversation I hope to do again. Turq had to eventually leave to go adult which ended a pretty awesome morning turned afternoon. Hope you all enjoy reading my latest post. Later~ ^^


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