unexpected multi trigger fractionation

     Hey look at that two skyping scenes in a week. Been a while since that's happened. ^^ Today (as usual) I left it up to him to decide what we're doing.Based on the titled I got surprised although we've done something somewhat similar a while back. So glad we got to do this and not have to reschedule. Have fun reading~
    As he was chuckling in that slightly evil manner when he has something up his sleeve, I should of known he had something was up. Although before most scenes if not during he does that chuckle so I'm use to it at this point. So when he pulled the slave trigger my brain was surprised for a second since I didn't expect that. Plus he hadn't used it in awhile so the headspace didn't immediately kick in. My eyes were fluttering slightly while I switched to that headspace which was interesting. He asked me a question (can't remember what it is) and I said yes in response. He instantly asked "Yes what? because I neglected to say a certain word in my response. I automatically said "Yes Master" (I love when he does that). He had me kneel asking the usual questions including what I wanted to do which I said was please him, then get back up to remove my dress. Once done with that my Dom told me to to bend over referring to the bed. I complied waiting for my next order and after a moment of being in that position he ended the trigger.  
     Again, something I wasn't expecting so I sat back on the bed briefly spacy. Not long after that he pulled the bimbo trigger (which he also hadn't used in a little while). Although this headspace had been used more recently (last Friday) so no split second pause before the bimbo headspace. I think this was when he had me remove the rest of my clothing (which wasn't much). During this part he let me play with my boobs after turning my arousal up to a4 (before he had pulled the trigger). After turning my arousal up he had asked me if anything was the matter (knowing I was squirming at that). Always such a tease I swear. :P Following a bit of teasing with me horny, giggly and hips moving because of it, he ended this trigger as well. I was more fuzzy this time with two triggers with a short time between them. I still wasn't sure what he was up to. It's kind of difficult to decipher a plot when you're being fractionated. I swear I thought he was trying to frustrate me with the messing of my arousal. It certainly wouldn't be anything he hasn't done before lol.
    Following this he pulled the robot trigger which brought everything to a full stop for me. This headspace seems to be the most all encompassing for lack of a better term. Not that the other head spaces don't draw me in. Just this one seems to pull me in quite hard. Anyway I said the automatic response phrase once the trigger took effect. He had me stand up, open my mouth, then turned on the cock simulation for a moment. My head started move as if I was sucking his cock. Even in the robot headspace the overload was present with clear eye rolling. After ending cock simulation mode he had me repeat phrases in programming mode including "I'm a mindless whore". and things like that. After finishing the phrases he ended this trigger as well. I sat back down spacier than the previous time.
    While sitting I asked him if he trying to fractionate me. He replied that he might be just be trying to see how easily his little bimbo could be hypnotized (not his exact words but close enough). He asked what I thought about that and I said it made me want to giggle. I imagine that's the higher suggestibility due to the fractionation.Thus him saying the word bimbo nudging me slightly back into the bimbo headspace for a moment. Then he said the bimbo trigger which pulled me all the way back into the headspace. Turq told me to sit with my legs spread open and start playing with myself. I took for masturbating (althought he immediately gave me both masturbating and playing with my boobs for options) and immediately started doing that. During that part he said "oh and a5.." turning my arousal the way towards the edge of an orgasm. I'm not sure whether he legitimately forgot or he did that just to tease me. He was asking me things during this such as "If I could think anymore?" for a bit. I giggled and agreed and disagreed when needed more focused on masturbating than what I was saying. I had thought he was going to pull a crystal or a watch in all honesty next. But he had me focused on his cock (both visually and mentally) instead, having me think of nothing other than pleasing, worshiping and serving his cock. (Also noting pleasure triggering was happening for most of the entire scene.) Completely entranced by his cock, he had me repeat the phrase "Master's cock controls me." a few time then another phrase before finally telling me to cum. During the masturbating he told that when I came the orgasm would make me completely blank, which it did.
    He had me sit there blank, empty and aroused for a moment. Then he counted me back up ending the suggestions bringing me back up to normal. When I came back up I was so out of it which is usually guaranteed when he employees fractionation. I literally at one point was pausing after every word since putting together a fluid sentence was difficult (especially when I was trying to force it). After a bit I eventually got coherent enough to talk about how everything went and other stuff. I got a lot of ruffles and almost wanted to take a nap immediately after we ended the scene. I didn't but that was the first time in a while that I was even briefly tired after a scene. we had to get off Skype but we imed until had to go adulting, which I used to snuggle and cuddle pretty much lol. Thus ending to post, hop you all enjoyed it. Later~ ^^


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